Would you quit?

The barber shop was added in 3.0 so I’m not sure what you mean by that. And even if it wasn’t, I don’t care for it either. Duel spec was added in 3.2 and if Blizzard took it away right now, I really wouldn’t care. I never asked for it and I don’t need it. It takes like two dailies to get enough gold to respec. But just like RDF, people cried and complained for it the entirety of TBC on the forums and they eventually got it.

I never asked for the early features in Classic or TBC either. It made Molten Core a complete joke. Like having Dire Maul in from the start where it’s items were better than Tier 1 raid gear? Or Molten Core items being optimized instead of their original versions? It made everything completely face roll.

Just because some of us don’t want something, doesn’t mean we are happy about the other “convenient” things that have been put in.

My statement was referring to him asking to have it “originally as it was” which would cause his complaint to make no sense because if Blizzard gave him exactly what he is asking for, he STILL wouldn’t have RDF right now.

Thanks to him? No, he’s part of it… but definitely not THE reason.

So a decade ago. Lol. Still out of touch with the majority of his player-base.

There is no reason to continue this conversation, you’re a card carrying member of his fan club. You’ll never have a non-bias opinion, have a wonderful night dude.

Hamlet literally just left, like a few weeks ago. Many of the EJ crew have contributed over the years, and still do to current WoW (retail) greatness.

Just because you’re salty and spreading negativity doesn’t mean they haven’t been a huge pool for excellent contributions to WoW.

Of course I won’t! It’s literally impossible not to have a biased opinion.

You too! And regardless of which features we like or disagree on, we both enjoy this wonderful game.

See ya in a PuG some day :smiley:

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This is why I ignore bad players like this. The assumption lol

I take it back, hope your account gets deleted… people like you are just here to ruin the game for everyone else. Toodles… aaaaand I’m cool again, took me outta character for a sec there.

Hope your day turns around and you find something nice to focus on :slight_smile:

99% of the RDF supporters are retail tourists who will quit in the next month regardless of RDF being added or not.

Stop trying to ruin our game retail scum

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*citation needed

Well you’re definitely in the mood for a well-thought out and civil discussion…

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This friends, is the provocative Anti-RDF troll post of the day.

You represent your Anti overlords with the lack of grace and dignity we’ve come to expect.

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News flash…Wrath IS retail…this is when it all started:

  • epic (purple) gear is extremely easy to attain
  • gearing is simple and easy because gear is thrown at you
  • dungeons are full of aoe-pulls and no CC
  • classes and specs are balanced
  • we have boosts
  • gear ‘resets’ every content release (seasonal resets)
  • plenty more that I won’t bother to list here

You think they’re still playing Vanilla, but you’re not.

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I was for no dungeon finder tool at first. I have been in many groups since the pre-patch and have come to the conclusion they should implement it now. The reason being is no one talks anyways even if you try to talk they just stay silent and if anything add you to the ignore list. Might as well fill groups with NPC-like players. Keep the existing tool though, it is decent for finding a group outside of dungeons like for questing or raids.


but if we are talking patch versions, rdf should be in right now. if we are talking phases then thats a different story right? so to his statement of “originally as it was” then rdf should be in game according to patch versions. but if we go by phases, theres alot that should NOT be in game yet is all im saying.

Quitting cuz RDF? Seems overkill lol

I got 7 days left for sub and I havent played in a few days so I am not happy cause there not RDF so I am not going to pay to play. I hope you guys enjoy the game I just dont want to waste my money. But if they added in RDF I would resub then.


Brother no one will quit regardless we know all the pro rdf players are playing regardless.

The same for the anti if it came in :joy::joy:

Then why are the gdkp so numerous and defended so strongly, mage levelling etc etc

I don’t think it’s that simple. They want to play without RDF and they want everyone else to play without RDF with them. I doubt they will be happy if people who wanted RDF suddenly quits. They may be too proud to admit it and they might say that they’re fine without the RDF people.

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I wouldn’t

Because most if the classic playerbase went back to private servers when the boost was introduced in tbc. Thats when servers became so barren. Blizzard betrayed their classic community for a second time in history and lost thousands of subscribers. Wow in general will not be a legitimate competitor in the mmorpg scene after wotlk. Dragonflight will attract ppl, they will then leave once the last minute changes are put in and they start adding scumbag money grabbing tactics into the game. Why do you think they’re trying so desperately too change retail? Its dieing. Wow will not survive 5 more years unless its IP is sold too a good company. Activision and blizzard are both trash and their products prove it.


no id actually level my alts

I would not quit over RDF.

I would quit the second they announced they will force us into a Cataclysm realm without keeping a forever last phase of WotLK-era server. On the spot.

But I don’t care about RDF. Put it in and I’ll use it, don’t put it in and I am annoying to my guild and usually can get to run what I want… Usually heh.