Would you quit?

I’d consider it, but not for the reasons you might think.

I don’t care.

No because I’m not an impulsive, easily manipulated emotional 13 year old.

The RDF that gave everyone buffs, effectively nerfing the content, warping you to the dungeon, and giving you the entire population of people to play with or some new take on RDF that is Server specific, gives no buffs, and doesnt warp you?

Because if its how RDF was, then not using it would be asinine as its literally just making the game harder for you for absolutely zero benefit, in fact, the game will be harder, you will have less players to draw from so it will take longer, and because of the above EVERYONE will flock too it, because math exists, and the pool of people to draw from, even if you wanted to form your own group, will essentially not exist.

This doesnt make RDF good for the game, it makes it necessary by forcing so many conveniences and buffs that its essentially non optional in how it will play out.

They could also make it so you get Raid geared by killing Chickens in Westfall and everyone would do it, but that doesn’t make it a positive. It means they threw a cheat code into the game and obviously people will take the path of least resistance because, again, math exists.


It’s never a manner of if, but when. Everybody quits from time to time.

The game would be playable with RDF


i would keep playing but i would be sad. less sad if it was introduced with no incentives to use it. no extra rewards for using it.

No, but the day wrath classic ends and is copy/pasted over with Cata I am 100% out. Losing TBC and Wrath classic to Cata would be such a blizzard thing to happen.

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@OP you didn’t quit, you are still playing without RDF, so let your own actions be the answer you are seeking.

This was not the original intent of classic and it shouldn’t be the intent now.

The game shouldn’t be catered to Classic Andy’s. It should have been a walk through nostalgia with Era realms for each expansion.

Instead, people like you wanted to take your 1 expansion experience and force it on the rest of us. Wrapping yourself in excuses like Community and Immersion.

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It wasn’t even the original intent for Vanilla and TBC.

“To be completely honest, [the Looking For Group tool] is a feature I wanted in the game when we launched the game. I was really unhappy when we didn’t have it when we first shipped, so it’s been 5 years coming. Maybe it wasn’t the number one thing I wanted in, but it’s definitely one of the top 5 things that I wanted in the game. It’s actually our third try at a proper LFG tool, and this one gets it right. With the Meeting Stones, we didn’t put enough attention into it, we just tried to jam it in, and people didn’t use it. The second tool, it ended up being compromised feature – we tried to cater to too many different audiences.”

–Rob Pardo, lead designer of WoW and later Executive Vice President of game design at Blizzard

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thats not the way it was on nordrassil back during the original wrath. we pugged to help folks level when our guild wasnt doing anything else. we pugged when we were in off times for the guild and could only get 3 or 4 players and needed to fill the empties. more often than not, during prime time we used the chat channels to find the right people to fill out several groups and rarely used rdf. raids were always built through guild alliances and chat channels. rdf was useful for when we didnt have the resources available but we never felt required to use it.

if it were the case that rdf required you to use it, sure it would be a bad thing. but dont blame players weakness to peer pressure or their addiction to chasing a gear score or server first on rdf.

and im not going to even comment on the chicken theory. only the sweats and the instant gratification specialist even concern themselves with that.

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No I wouldn’t quit. I wouldn’t quit if they added Cross Realm grouping for BG/arena queues either. I wouldn’t quit if they added Cross Realm raiding. I wouldn’t quit if they added transmog. I wouldn’t quit if we got the updated AH.

I play wotlk because I enjoy the story, gameplay, the grapghics, the atmosphere more than retail. If they want to throw QoLs at us I am more than happy to use them. There’s a lot of classic andy purists out there who seem to die on the hill about changes not being made, or going and playing retail. This is already nothing like OG wotlk.

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You can already get a group together with the current tool, unless your server is dead. If your server is dead, you have way more problems then a 40 minute RDF queue can solve.

But Wrath wasn’t originally launched with RDF. It didn’t come out until the ICC raid launched with the three new dungeons.

If you wanted them to stick to the original timeline, then you’re basically waiting to play Wrath until ICC and your post is completely pointless anyways.


what about the barber shop, dual class… and other stuff included that wasnt included in the same phases? how do you justify those but argue that rdf shouldnt be there because we arent to that phase yet?

or is there where that gets brushed aside because it doesnt fit your narrative? or how about vanilla and tbcc being launched with everything the games had to offer right from the beginning without waiting for features to be phased in?


I mean many have admitted they’d use it… you saying all this high horse stuff, you should speak for yourself.

Zero integrity for adding a system back into the game that was in the gam… that the vocal majority want, because you’d be hard-pressed to find anything other than the same 3-4 delusional people screaming for it not to be here. (yes, one of them is you)

No they did it because Ion is cluless and I’m pretty sure loot drops were cited.

No… it came out around or before ICC, the LFG system we have in place was never in the game, so there goes your logic.

How do we keep tabs on this? Your word? Doubt that’s worth anything.

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Make up whatever reasons you’d like, but the guild leader of one of the best guilds ever (ElitistJerks) is likely not “cluless” [sic]

Tell yourself whatever you want, Ion is an out of touch dope, the man doesn’t know the community… but I see you’re a staunch defender of mediocrity. When was the last time Ion was a relevant name in raiding? Have the elitestjerks been a top 5 guild? Where are they on these race to world firsts?

Right back at you.

What that has to do with Classic is a very good question!

Retail raids are amazing, and that’s very much thanks to Ion.

Oh? Why does that even matter?

Project much? I’m not sure where you come up with this stuff…

Literally, the last time a new raid was introduced…

Well, at least some of them spent a great deal of time working for Blizzard after having contributed as much as they had from beta through cata+…

The main druid theorycrafter/content creator for them just left Blizzard a couple of months ago.