Would you quit?

If they released RDF tomorrow? All of you anti-RDF people?

nothing would change. you could still “choose who you play with”

by going with your guildies and queing up together.

I reaaaaallly hope when blizz puts in RDF to see if they anti-RDF people quit.

It’s like they know it won’t affect them or their guild, they just don’t want others to enjoy or get into the content too.


Quit? Most of them already admitted they would use rdf if implemented. They have zero integrity. They wouldn’t quit, they would use it. They just don’t want you to use it.


I wouldn’t play Wrath if they suddenly did a 180 and added it back in.

That would show they have no commitment to the project and the desire to “improve the experience”.

They might as well just just turn it into “Retail 2” at that point.


Those that would use it would do so because they really wanted to play, but would realize (correctly) that they wouldn’t have a choice but to use it.

Then there are those like myself that would have realized what I said above and simply ignore Wrath because that would show that Blizzard has zero integrity.


I would reup my subscription lol


Oh good lord.


Read the sentence above that as well.

If you’re going to quote me, do it correctly, please.

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They already decided not to have it for Wrath to see if pro-RDF people would quit. :woman_shrugging:


then you might as well quit now because if there’s 1 thing that retail for the past 8+ years has taught us is that blizzard will totally do a 180 on things they said earlier. hell, Classic as a whole is the result of them going 180 on a stance they had for the longest time (the Wall of No).


I don’t see the pro rdf people quitting in droves. In fact I think most of you aren’t even in wotlk you’re just anger leveling in your 30’s and 40’s waiting till DF comes out.


Wrong, I guarantee you would not only play, but use the RDF just as much as everyone else.

But, by all means, prove me wrong when they add it.


nope! have not touched classic once and have no intention until they release Wrath the way it was originally, with rdf


That doesn’t help your case…at all.

In fact it’s worse.

“I’m playing retail and won’t play classic till Blizzard makes it more like retail.”

You’ll be waiting a bit longer.


Are you the new Garmuck?

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Dont actually have to quit. Once heroics are done with, its engagement is going to fall outside of running Heroic Dailies. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure this stuff out. Just look at raids, as soon as one raid has ran its course and a new one is introduced its basically dead.

I would not quit, I’d be playing every day tbh

That would be so fun


You know Wrath wasn’t originally released with RDF and that this is the way it was originally… It came out in basically the Cata prepatch.


Happy to do it.

I won’t touch RDF if they decide to add it back in.

You’ve already lost that bet. IF they add it.

Awesome, Blizzard cannot add it soon enough.


Stop spamming jesus christ.

If they go down the same path they did in original WOTLK ill quit just like I did in original WOTLK.


I’ll be laughing while playing now, thinking about that midlevel Goblin who actually thinks he knows my mind.
