Would you quit?

They’d be queuing up the second it was implemented and there’d be a flood of apology threads admitting they’re wrong on day 1.

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Yea, just not doing dungeons and barely playing lol if I didn’t have Zygor basically auto-piloting questing… I’d probaly be 72-73 and not 78. Lol. No RDF just kinda makes the game less than what it could be.

No, simply because I wouldnt use it to level my characters.
That is what they do not want people doing. Just standing in town all day and leveling
without leaving I agree with them on that.

However, I think it will be added in at some point.
Simply because as more and more people for various reasons stop running
the content. It is going to be harder and harder to find groups doing level
cap content.

What I think they should do is add in a dungeon finder. But only have it for
level capped characters.

I hope that they would quit. There were idiots that quit because of boosts. They didnt mind mage boosting but quit when there was another way. I am very serious. I would love to see every player that is anti rdf be gone. They are just weirdos and i dont even want them around icase i end up sharing content with them.

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Pro-RDF players are dopamine fiends. They’ll play for any sort of feeling they can possibly get with their sunk cost whaling behaviors in retail.

This is a fallacy. There is literally no data to back up that, I’m saying you directly are saying it… just in general it is a fallacy.

That is just a bad idea though… if you bring it, you bring it to help leveling as well.


Hmm pretty sure microsoft bought it?

We are playing on the last patch, its why we cant flight path to certain places.

We get it, you are mad you lost and don’t have RDF. You can go away now.

See, removing RDF doesn’t improve anything. When they first announced that it was going to be removed, I was upset because I really enjoyed being able to click a button and Q up while I quested or farmed ore and didn’t have to stop all the time to advertise in LFG chat and pray that my ad didn’t get lost in the tide of other ads.

Now with all the complaining about no RDF, A large part of me hopes that Blizzard doesn’t add RDF. I’m getting really tired of seeing thread after thread on the forums about how people will quit playing because of no RDF.

However to get to the point, RDF would completely kill any remaining dungeons boosts, HR dungeons runs (If you HR gear, you’re probably trash anyways) as for the ninja looting, you can still report for that even with RDF.

Anti-RDFers will scream and stand by the idea that RDF killed social interaction which is just false. Players killed social interaction. Most the remaining interaction in the game is between guild members and friends. Or at least the any healthy interaction that is. As for the people who want to be able to pick who’s in their groups, just stop. These are the same people who only accept full BiS and max gear score players for Heroic dungeons or for raid that was cleared in Phase 1.

This just in, ICC also came out in cata prepatch.

Anti-RDF players are weird with their lies.


then you would be wrong, ive lost several from my guild already to unsubs, a few of the regular pro rdf’ers that were on the forums have now unsubbed. and im probably looking at letting my sub run its course as well. i have other options for a more truthful wrath experience with devs that actually listen to their players.


Yes you would

Same here…lol

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Irrelevant question. No need to answer it since Blizzard isn’t even talking about rdf.

IF RDF comes, I might play more, right now I login to raid and make enough gold for consumes the next week, there is zero other reason to login. Blizzard doesn’t have my engagement, im basically here for my guild’s raids, just raid logging again.

Blizzard already shown they have zero integrity by removing RDF in the first place. Your PoV has been about as backwards as it gets since this started.


im not totally anti-rdf. im just anti blizzard adding any kind of reward to it that makes me feel like i have to use it.

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can’t stop won’t stop
won’t change my game my way one bit

till they release cata classic

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