Would you quit?

You’re level 60 lol. Imagine having this weird level of God Complex. Why do you care so much about people quitting the game you play? By your logic then they could have released the game without “RDF” so see if you “would quit”…? It literally wasn’t in OG Wrath, so I am not sure where this holier than thou mentality is coming from. You could say this about any feature that isn’t in the game yet. “Man, can’t wait til they give hunter Focus instead of mana so all the mana junkies quit! HA”. You just down boring and petty tbh. If you don’t enjoy the experience of playing through an old game in a new release, why are you even playing? Do you honestly have so little to do that you came here to say this? lol. Take a shower smh.

Well a lot of things that weren’t in OG wrath at this point are already in so that arguments out. Also if you really want to go there… It would have been in OG wrath at this point but Blizzard didn’t finish it in time.

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I’ll quit when I’m good and ready to quit and I’ll resubscribe the moment I remember I want to play some Classic again.

Didn’t say anything about “OG wrath experience”, but those 3 words do exist in my post I guess… lol, so I can see how a DK got confused :^) kidding ofc. But no, my point is that it was not in the original game, so it’s weird to assume it should be in this one. If it happens, sure, but the OP’s post is so conceded and petty lol, can smell the god complex and dirty clothes.

I don’t care about RDF.

When Blizzard launched Dungeon Finder in Wrath subscriptions were at their peak. Wrath is the hay day of WoW. It was a quality of life improvement for the casual player.

I don’t understand the social argument against RDF. You bark over and over about either needing a group or needing more. This means you either don’t know enough people to make a group and don’t know enough that are online.

You chose between 1 and 4 people you don’t know and run a dungeon. It doesn’t even mater what classes you get since one of Wrath’s biggest improvements was “bring the player not the class”.

You have your group and you run the content. Everyone is there for the loot or the xp, no one is there to make friends. If you treating a dungeon as a mixer your not paying attention and your most like the reason a group wipes.

All the features of RDF are separately in the game already. Dungeon Finder Tool, Summoning Stones, the only thing that is missing is letting an algorithm do it for you.

It was also optional. Using it was never mandatory. If you feel that by adding it as an option would limit you ability to get a group with the methods currently available then you would be admitting that the majority of players would see it as a benefit rather than an inconvenience.

I’m all for never putting Random Raid Finder in the game. A raid is about putting your best group together and pushing yourself and testing the limits. Who still runs dungeons for the challenge? This isn’t OG release Wrath, this is right before the Argent Tournament Wrath patch. Wrath classic pre patch was 3.4.0, RDF was released in 3.3.0.


nope I would double down and start playing alts

I have unsub a few weeks ago so I now have 8 days left to play and if they dont fix the issue I am done and it sad my guild understand how I feel so I dont need to worry about the game anymore.

Yep, I would cancel my subscription immediately.

Another idea. We had Season of Mastery and Fresh Start servers, why now RDF servers? Why can’t we have servers where RDF is included? Simply add 1 server and see if it fills up. If not you have proof most players don’t want it, if it does you can put those of us who want the feature in our own little boat.

Why though? I assume by your statement you wouldn’t use the feature but why would take your toys and go home if it’s added?

I’d be pretty sad to see this implemented. But it’s not something I’d quit over as long I got my group of friends keeping playing with me.

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Its not in keeping with the spirit of classic.

It is the first step in a slippery slope that leads to LFR, CRZ, battle pets, people not talking or communicating, a UI meta game, panda land, and a myriad of other bad decisions that lead retail to where it is now.

Some people like seeing someone on their server, in a dungeon group knowing that they will see them around later. Its like going to school. You know you will see your teacher next class, and all your class mates who you form relationships with and become friends with.

I don’t entirely disagree but at the same time I feel like SoM would be more fit for you.

I fail to see how not adding a feature that was in the game for 50% of WOTLK is not keeping in spirit with the original game lol. It’s a really silly argument people try to make because you’re literally asking them to CHANGE the game from what it was originally.

It’s pretty hypocritical imo.

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It sounds like your only disagreement with the adding the system is it pulling people from other servers that you wont see out in the world. So if the player pool the RDF used was server specific then you’d have no problem?

Could really care less either way at this point. If you want honesty.

You mean just like never happened when original WotLK added RDF ?

RDF does solve issues for people finding dungeon runs, at all levels.


As an ant-RDFer…

So yes, I would use RDF but I wouldn’t be happy with the decision to add it back into the game. It would also be a signal that Blizzard would cave under the pressure to provide the same QoL tools that retail originally introduced… and to eventually make Classic players quit the Classic experience like they did with retail.

I would stay for WotLK but I would be less interested in future Classic expansions.

some of us don’t wake up every morning thinking about rdf or not , we just go out and smell the grass