Would you quit?

Classic Wow is fine right now, unfortunate that the raiding/pve experience is super noob friendly. I do love the profession aspect of WOTLK however and wish it was standard in retail to max professions for certain specs to get awesome stuff.

Dragonflight seems to double down on this love.

Ive done it for almost 15yrs. Sorry bruh.

The simple fact that they ever removed professions from being a mechanism for gearing is unfathomable…

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RDF would be nice so I could random the dungeon I’m already locked for so I get another chance at loot

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Explain to me how 50% of an expansion is “cata pre patch”

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Buuut you’ll play it with…

Free boosts to 70
Boxes at the end of quests that give health/mana pots
Boxes at the end of quests that give food
Boxes at the end of quests that give rare mounts
XP bonus events
More xp than was given originally to quests
Extra emblems further making gear acquisition easier

The lists goes on, but you drawn the line at LFD. Please spare us your self righteous nonsense, along with the rest of your ilk.

The integrity of Classic Wrath has been ran into the absolute ground, adding LFD doesn’t impact that at all.


I see you missed analogy day in school.

I did not say it’s a one to one equivalency. Feel free to set up strawman arguments on your own time.

You’re excellent at missing the point. It’s that /everyone/ can’t do it. If some or any or all could do it, it changes game dynamics in a way that we find negative to the game experience.

most people don’t even care about rdf existence or not, the anti RDF that cry are just abusers who don’t want you to get easy life, so they can use you, ofc some anti-rdf have fake info regard the rdf so they hate it over nothing real but the majority of anti-rdf are all doing real money trades.

No, but I don’t really care about it.

The topic is hot in the same way the campaign for Dual Spec was hot a year ago. Everyone claiming it would solve exactly the same problems.

There’s no silver bullet to Tank shortages and such. If you think RFD will fix it you’re kidding yourself. But I really don’t care if they bring it in or not.

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Before Heroic+ is out no I do not want RDF for northrend dungeons, after heroic+ sure just dont have RDF include Heroic+.

Not sure about them, but I just quit both my accounts bc RDF isn’t in. They are wasting players’ time. It was in 3.3.5, it should be in. Especially with all the cross realm crap they’ve put in like WG, PvP queueing, etc.

I’ll be back when they put it in…or I won’t.

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I don’t know, I’d have to wait and see how it plays out first.

If it takes away from the “feel” of Classic, then yeah, I’ll probably just go level up a Warrior tank on a Classic era server.

That’s a mighty big assumption you’re making there. Anecdotally, I’ve never been in a GDKP/paid heroic/whatever other degeneracy you’re referencing, and I don’t intend to.

I still hope RDF as it existed in wrath/cata/etc is not implemented in classic.

Who hurt you? Was it your guild that converted to a GDKP?

I still maintain that a decent compromise is RDF without cross realm and without insta teleport.

Every time I’ve mentioned it, everyone whines because what they truly want is instant teleportation (which I maintain is laziness).

I would quit.

fingers crossed

Also, why would it come out so quickly?

Last blue post said they’re not planning on adding at all. Did something change?

They changed their narrative from “it ruins the social experience!” to “if we had put it in at launch people would have geared too quickly”