Would you quit?

she said RDF came out a full year before Cata pre patch, which is true.

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No, they claimed it came out basically during the cata prepatch.

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huh?!?!?! Did I miss something? They said nothing of the sort, Warchar.

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It doesn’t matter if they do because millions will join and rejoice having RDF finally. If you want WotLK Classic population to flourish just add RDF. Also cross realm Queing.

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Yup. I quit after downing ICC 25 man. Never stepped foot in Ruby; came back for cata seen it was more of the same and quit til BFa when they announced classic.

The Cata pre patch was a YEAR before Cata?

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It’s not incorrect, people already admitted it. When implemented, no one is required to use it. It has existed for 14yrs and has never been required to form a group. Saying you have to use it if implemented is factually incorrect and makes you look like a fool. We’ve formed groups for years with rdf in the game without using it.


I mean I don’t have problems finding groups with rdf so I really don’t care either way

Go to retail and find a group for a regular 5 man without RDF and tell us how that works out.

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Reminder: Everyone posting here has at least 1 active subscription.

All of these “if I don’t get my way, I’m going to cancel my subscription” folks are addicts like the rest of us and are just blowing smoke.


The only thing I think would cause me to quit might be if they released cata, AND if they didn’t have a wrath era. The primary thing with random dungeon finder was you could abuse it to get the random group bonus while at the same time leaving any dungeon you didn’t like

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So…. Most anti-RDF don’t even care enough to show up on these forums… It’s the regulars from Classic that stay IN-Game and practically live there… They are the ones who don’t want this. They play a ton and as a result they tend to have a way of getting access to both Blizzard and the game in ways the average player does not…

So they won’t quit for nothing…

They will just make your RDF crusade miserable…

if something like rdf being added would equate to you quitting the game than why are you even here tbh you obviously don’t care about/ like the game that much.

This is one of those times where you are pulling statistics out of your behind with no proof of anything.

Don’t do that.

They wont quit, they are most likely sweaty for life. They just don’t want to see you enjoy the game to the fullest

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You don’t have guildies in retail?

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Why on this god’s sacred earth would I play retail?

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RDF is not something ever asked for by the classic players… It has since popped up.

LMAO When did they show any desire to improve because all I have seen are the same issues they had 16 years ago.

P.S. and all the new ones they have created since.

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If you woulda brought up RDF in trade chat 6 months ago you’d be flamed. It’s entirely Wrath babies crying to ruin WoW a second time with QoL features nobody wants in classic.