Would you quit?

You quit because of RDF? So you completely missed the end raid because of a catch up system?


You seem too miss the point, we just dont want to play with people that enjoy conveyor belt fed content that you afk through. Its not about the rdf tool itself, its about keeping the ppl who love those kinds of systems out of classic. Retail has trained you to always be a winner and pay for everything. We want nothing too do with any of that.


I wouldn’t quit, but it would definitely put a dent to the feeling of local world for me. I was pro-RDF, but then started playing and realized how important the feeling of realm bounds was for my immersion. Retail lost a lot of that, it’s one huge megaserver where nothing you do sends any ripples across the game world. There is none of this “passive” community feel.

Saying that, I might change back to pro-RDF when I start spamming heroics at max level. It’s easy to accept lack of dungeon groups during leveling because you can just quest, but at max level you can’t do anything if you’re not in groups doing dungeons.

you do know that the original wrath had RDF right?

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What’s your damage? How are you still going on about this?

I’ll quit when i want to lol


Nope. It was out nearly an entire year before Cata Prepatch. Nice try, though.


I mean I’ve read people would quit because of Transmog loool.

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Nope, I’d still play, and would likely use RDF all the time as it would become the new ‘meta’ for dungeon running (assuming it’s enabled as it existed then, with teleporting etc).

I’d lose hope, however, that the classic experiment would succeed in the long run. I see RDF as a paradigm shift, and you wouldn’t be able to ‘undo’ it.


More specifically, we don’t want /anyone/ to use it. It’s very much an all-or-nothing thing.

Analogy: if blizzard gives out a free preraid set to anyone who clicks a button, then you’d be a fool to handicap yourself by not clicking it. If you think that’s a dumb idea, you’d argue against it. If it was enabled anyway, you’d be an idiot to not click the button.


Comparing RDF to something like Blizzard giving out free gear is beyond asinine and just pathetic at this point.


quite insane that you anti rdf people base your enjoyment on others NOT doing something.


No. The anti-RDF people would all be using RDF. They know its a superior system and wouldn’t spend more than a second caring that it was added because deep down they all want it.


their hypocrisy oozes out and it really angers me.

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They’re all miserable people with miserable lives. They want you to be miserable too. Don’t let them succeed.


No but when you guys are stuck in 40 minute dps queues and start demanding random raid finder, random bg premade finder, random AH mat finder, and random arena partner finder because RDF didn’t solve any of your real server problems and inability to get a group together ill just be here to say I told you so lol


Not till ICC.

ICC came out in cata prepatch? Never knew that! Must have been pretty weird doing a raid when classes were balanced around you being 5 levels higher though. I’m looking forward to WotLK’s final raid, Trial of the Crusader.

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Are you joking? RDF came out in patch 3.3.0. There is a patch between it 3.3.3 and the cata pre-patch 4.0.1 and a whole year before Cataclysm came out. So the real question here is why are you lying about something so simple to prove?