Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

Literally every lobby I was in when grinding plundergarbage to 40 renown was full of people talking about how terrible it was to do, subjective tastes are subjective.


I actually already have most of the transmogs they are offering and most of the mounts and toys.

I’m playing it because it’s just an insane amount of fun and I really, really encourage everyone to try it.

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It already will. It’s been mass reported and OP has been highly inflammatory and extraneous in his remarks towards other people. Guaranteed a forum vacation for him, at this point.

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Flemix. :crazy_face:

You can just fly around on your dragon and collect Bronze, then go purchase the mounts.
Even mounts that are low % drops like Houlon and such. May take you most of the 95 days but you don’t have to kill anything or spawn camp. Just fly around.

Oh, I knew it was pointless. I really don’t know what I was thinking engaging with an illogical, immature, and foolish troll :slight_smile: They’re ignored now so I at least don’t have to see that troll’s nonsense.

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That’s about as bad as Plorm.

It is a great identifier for someone who shouldn’t be taken remotely seriously in anything they say.


You sound like you just got into college. I’m not sure what your constant obsession with “being taken seriously” on a video game forum is other than you just entering the world and seeking validation. It’s cringe.

I enjoyed Plunderstorm, as well as MOP.
I am hoping that whatever one gets the most play that they will dedicate servers to those.
Regardless, its fun to have different things like this.
Happy gaming!

Sendrax: doesn’t hesitate to use emergency beacon to welcome strangers
Sendrax: doesn’t use emergency beacon in life-threatening emergency

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You tried :+1:t3:

There’s no pvp so absolutely not. I’m already considering not playing since there’s no pvp. zzz

the difference is, no one is being forces into a game style they don’t like to play. You wanna PvP go nuts, don’t wanna PvE, you’ve had your event, let the rest have theirs

No snarky comeback? I think I nailed it.

This post gives off “QUIT HAVING FUN!” vibes.

There are people like myself who played Plunderstorm just for cosmetics, while I had fun with Plunderstorm, I stopped playing it once I got to 40.

Remix has been alot more fun to me then Plunderstorm, I already have an alt.

Either way man, its just your opinion.


That was a snarky comeback. Did it go over your head?



Nah lol, you’re just not worth the energy this early in the morning.

I will say trying to call me young while doing your best to sound like a COD pre-teen is peak entertainment.

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I didn’t enjoy pludnerstorm as it wasn’t wow. I play wow not battle royale. I’m here for my character on azeroth killing alliance.

If they give me some kinda dragonflight we can’t interfere with the timeline reason that I can’t kill the alliance then that’s fine. otherwise where’s my HKs

Remix is essentially SoD for MoP and SoD has been a huge success. It makes sense that Remix is a big hit. Did you stop playing SoD when you got the rewards you wanted?

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