Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

Therefore, you know in your heart you’re capping when you say it is “Better than Plunderstorm”. Many, many players played hundreds of hours of Plunderstorm FOR FUN.

No one, NO ONE will play ReMoP once they have the rewards they want.

Stop the :billed_cap:


I only did plunderstorm for the mogs. As soon as I was done, I never touched it again.

MoP is my favorite expansion so I’m gonna enjoy it once I get back from vacation. Plus it will be a great way to level some alts and earn the heritage armors I still need to do. I’m excited!


There are mogs I can get that don’t exist in retail? Neat.

I’m playing because I’m enjoying it.

Does that bother you? People having fun.


Lol I wouldn’t play Retail if it weren’t for the mogs and rewards.

The game is fun, yeah, but I like rewards for my effort. Especially competitive content, like endgame.

That goes for pretty much any game I play, except for sandbox games where the goal is just to be creative.

People legit play ranked League of Legends only for those special ranked victorious skins you get each season, stuff like that.


Actually, I would because I loved Mists. I still go there on all my alts to set up the farm. I plan to use this to level up a bunch of characters - most of them will replace low level ones I haven’t bothered with in ages.

I tried Plunderstorm and did not like it. No amount of cosmetics were worth suffering through it for me.


That’s just, like, your opinion, man.


:billed_cap:. Gonna need receipts for this one.

That’s why their were countless guides on how to get as much plunder per hour by running into the storm after the quest was done and avoiding the game mode as much as possible. And why there were so many threads saying “I’m free” after people got to their renown checkpoint.

The truth is the rewards are intrinsic part of any game mode. It is impossible to separate. Would thunderstorm have done as well without rewards? Would raids? I mean, PvP rewards were just down powered outside of PvP and that basically killed it, despite random BGs formerly being one of the most popular game modes.



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I think this is more of a veiled “PvPeRs PlAy FoR tHe LoVe Of ThE gAmE!!!” type of thread than anything…


Bro, the imbalance, new powers and easy leveling of alts alone makes Remix worth it for anyone wanting to change servers/level chars for free.

The extra cosmetics rewards are just cherry on the top.

Unlike blunderstorm, this is an actual in-game event with more than cosmetics as rewards.

P.S.: Played for 4h yesterday and already cleared all the heroic dungeons, and the heroic scenario is actually very hard at low levels, harder than m+8s at least.

Got a hunter to level 23 already.
I’ll be leveling and using the specs I usually don’t use in retail, and it’s been a blast already with my BM hunter having blink/roll and some OP procs.


NGL even rewatching this video makes me hyped for Plunderstorm to return. Ain’t nobody going to be sitting there after ReMoP going “oh man I can’t wait to play ReMoP again even though I already have all of the mogs”.

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I didn’t get to play MoP when it was current and I’d heard about all kinds of stuff that it had that I never got to actually expierience (IE scenarios) that I’m curious to see in action.

So for me at least, theres more to it then just “Mogs”.


This is a dumb post and you should feel dumb.

I don’t give a crap about transmogs and I’m playing MoP remix. However, even if what you said was true, the fact that the fun is motivated by transmog doesn’t invalidate it in any way?


I wouldn’t even play it with the mogs. I don’t collect mogs I’m not going to use. And I did Loremaster in MoP during BfA, so that’s enough MoP for me.

I know there were some, but if you could link me to your source that would be great. I heard a few say they did but a lot say they only played it for the mogs and then quit.

What would it take to get ME to play ReMoP? If I could quickly level characters to 70, port them to retail right now, and play them right now.


Seems to be packed with players for this ‘never gonna do it’ joke, lmao
SOME of us play this game for fun, not numbers…imagine that lol

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Was this meant to be a reply on the thread about it?

I would’ve loved a “% of players that continued playing after reaching 40” metric when Blizz released those PS stats. We know they know, and we know why they didn’t release it.


A) I doubt you don’t care about mogs.

B) We’ll see what you’re doing a week from now (note that I don’t actually care so I’ll just call it now - you won’t be playing it most likely).

I play for fun, I didn’t play it at the time, and I’m not doing it. As I said above, I did Loremaster there not all that long ago on my other account.

So what? Some types of game lend themselves to replayability, others don’t. Neither intrinisically is better as a result. Story-driven games are likely to be replayed less often; short form replayable games are more likely to be replayed.