Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

You’re like eight posts deep but nah this is the point where you’ve run out of energy.

Sure bud. :smirk:

I tried Plunderstorm and after 5-6 attempts I gave up, I’m 68 on mop remix and still feel like going on. I play what I like but for sure I’m not gonna say no to the rewards and they’re a nice incentive to keep playing. I don’t think it needed as much incentives but I guess it’s not a bad thing.


You do know there is a separate forum for the MoP Remix right…you should use it.

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Anyone have 40k Bronze they would care to deposit into my bank account? I have a Heavenly Black Dragon mount to purchase. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Honestly MoP was one of the best expansions next to Cata and BC. MoP was lore heavy and was so cool just to quest through. Although it was bloated with dailies.

you had your event. you didn’t like it, oh well. guarantee you there’ll be folk that whine about MoP remix… well after you of course

You do know there is a separate forum for the MoP Remix right…you should use it…please use the right area to post…there is a Remix area.

The overall game seems fine. But I just like my faction war. My pvp server got turned into a normal server, that’s fine because war mode. So where’s my war mode. That’s all i’m saying.

This isn’t a game mode, it’s a character on my server. Where’s my HKs?


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We are 170 ish posts into this thread.

Both Plunderstorm and the MoP event offered transmogs.

I knew that Plunderstorm would not be fun for me, so I didn’t bother with it (regardless of the rewards, some of which I liked).

I knew that I would enjoy MoP again, so I am doing it. Would I be doing it if there were no transmogrified rewards? Probably, because I like to level characters and this is a fresh way to do it… the transmogs are just a huge bonus that will keep me around after the character(s) are max level.

“Run! I can take the heat”
But I have like 15 defensive cooldowns . . .
“Take the egg”
But . . . I can just tank the damage with . . .
“I’ll sacrifice myself!”


And that’s right on par with other posts just like this on the forums so, bravo?

Here you go :trophy:

It’s a troll thread, he considers it a success if it gets bites.

Even if 99% of the bites are calling him a moron.


If it weren’t for mogs, I would’ve quit this game years ago. Mogs are love. Mogs are life.

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We’re having fun at your expense. That isn’t how troll threads are meant to go.


If anybody talks about it, which I doubt, it will be for one of three things: a) how poorly Blizzard rolled this out; b) how much they overestimated the appeal or c) how much they underestimated the backlash.

I mean, we basically own him at this point.

I see MoP remix as a “level an alt before next expansion” type event. People always go bananas for those, and it’s always a miss for me. Because I cap all the alts I care about during an expansion. So whenever the event has a carrot (a mount, a toy, an heirloom) I collect it and immediately stop participating. Same thing happened with Plorm for me: got to renown 40, stopped playing it, even though I did end up having fun.

With Remix, at least there’s tons to collect and it lets me revisit Pandaria in a somewhat contrived but fun way. I did start playing a mage because I wanted to have one of a different race, and tapped out (turns out I just don’t like playing mage) , so I’ll switch to a more reliable (for me) class.

I would as an alternate leveling experience for alts. So far I am enjoying myself so it is accomplishing its goal. I think the XP rate would have to be increased quite a bit if the other rewards (transmog/mounts) were taken out of it. I have so many alts that any new leveling content at this point is a welcome addition.