Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

Who cares about balance? It’s a limited time event with no ranking or ladder. It would just be for fun.

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Eesh talk about low effort


I mean, let’s be honest: He probably saw Asmongold dumpster MoP Remix even though he hasn’t played WoW in months and, being incapable of thinking for himself, came here to parrot the same talking point.

I just assume most people who always find a reason to dump on WoW are just Asmongold simps.

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I’m using it as a fast easy alt leveling method for all the allied races I don’t have, the mogs are just a nice bonus.

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Oh sweet summer child, you know nothing of the player bases ability to gripe.

Hey, hey…devolving your debate to the same depth will only get yourself the same forum vacation duration as his. Let’s try not to get this thread 404’d, okay?

Let’s everyone chill a bit.

Of all the people to parrot, why Asmongold? I’ll never understand it.

i would. there’s mounts in it too ya know, not just mogs!

Because Asmongold likes to portray himself as intelligent, and that’s a really effective tactic for people who aren’t but think they are.


But if I don’t lower myself to his level, how will he understand me?

But fair, you’re right, he’s not worth a vacation.

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I probably will. I enjoyed both Plunderstorm and Mists of Pandaria: Remix, but I didn’t play Plunderstorm after my three days of grinding. I just grinded Remix for thirteen hours straight (longer than any session I had for Plunderstorm) and would be ready to do so again if I didn’t have work tonight.

They’ve convinced themselves that he’s a great man sticking it to blizzard as opposed to a pathetic slob who can’t handle retail (or classic without his cult of simps).

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I can’t stand the story telling of the Ohnaran Plains, and I’ve done the Waking shores so much that I cringe everytime I see Sendrax.

This mode is a lot nicer for letting alts I’ll want in a few months hit the max level without needing to do the Disney Isle. (I know it’s a meme. Honestly I enjoyed a decent bit of the story, but quite a lot of it was jarring.)

Show us on the doll where the remix hurt you.

It’s funny how hard he’s trying to make that name stick.

I didn’t even hate Blunderstorm that much, but its name came naturally.

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It’s more popular then his pubg clone.

I’m interested in the rewards for both. I’m having more fun in MoP Stomp than I did Plunderstorm. Both are good content imo.

I’ll always have Warthin at least.

Sendrax was annoying