Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

I think having multiple game modes is a great thing in WoW. Plunderstorm, Remix… I think as long as it keeps using the retail engine (and not classic), I will 100% play them all.



Sentenza trying hard to keep his crown as the most infantile and obnoxious person on this forum, I see.

He’s probably the kind of person who thinks that’s a compliment too.


You thought you made a clever point.

Here’s Arnold talking about how he feels about lifting -


Yet again; the irony is amazing.

The fact that some people garner intrinsic enjoyment from pumping iron doesn’t mean that that is the motivating factor for all people, nor that those that garner enjoyment only from what you are infering is the “extrinsic result” are not enjoying it regardless. Different people are motivated differently, and none of those motivations is invalid.


Oh look, it’s Sentenza with yet ANOTHER complaining/whining post.

Dude unsub if you hate the game THIS much.


Nah, let his hate money fund retail wow. That’s the better outcome since he hates it so much.


his point was kinda pointless anyway.
LOTS of people unsub once they get X. lol
As for ‘no one’…he knows better than that nonsense.
There will be players playing it until the last day its up and we ALL know it. lol

I already had all characters at max.

Unless you have all MoP mounts and don’t care about recolors, don’t want to try a new realm/server, don’t care about the different powers, it offers nothing.

But guess what: a large amount of players fit into a category that wants some of the above.

I don’t think there will ever be an event that caters to all players. Even expansion packs aren’t attractive to the whole player base.

I’m glad other people are realizing how ridiculously childish this OP is.

He’s done this for a WHILE too, it’s cringy.


Not worth wasting time and energy responding to…and with that…

Why do people feel the need to try to dump on remix and compare it to blunderstorm? They’re entirely separate events and have absolutely nothing in common. Some people preferred blunderstorm. Some people prefer remix. Get over it.




Classic is on the same sub. I’m not subbed to Retail I’m subbed to Classic. :dracthyr_shrug:

Flop remix? :thinking:

I looked back at his post history for a laugh… he thinks Shadowlands is the best xpac :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

To each their own, different people like different things… but claiming that people are disingenuous when they say they enjoy mop while thinking that Shadowlands was the best WoW expac is freaking hilarious.


Yeah, what is almost certainly a 30 something year old man talking like he’s 13 goes past cringe into concerning.

You’d think you’d be posting in their forum then.

Or do they not like you there either?


Healing people as a new warlock with lightning.

10/10, would heal and buff people with lightning as a warlock again.

I do?

The obvious implication to the rest of that statement is “instead of here”, sport.

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… why is that?

I would assume you were playing dumb if I didn’t know you better.