Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

LOL I seriously dgaf about mogs…at all, but I’m planning to play the hell outta MoP Remix.

Full on trolling it is then.

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Dozens of people.



People shouldn’t go to the gym if they don’t like lifting heavy circles. They just want to look better. They’re not really enjoying themselves, they are just there to mog. Many, many people enjoy swimming. Lifting heavy circles is stupid, they should just swim.

-OP, legendary autist


I played Season of Discovery for no mogs so I’d do the same for this version of the game. The cosmetic goodies just make it that much better.

Feels like this was tailor made for me. Borrowed power, a ton of new mounts and old rare ones, MoP raids which I’ve always thought were great. Probably the only thing missing is pvp.

Well, this was fun. Back to work, I guess.

Enjoy your forum vacation, OP! :wave:


Trying to balance this for PVP would be a god damn nightmare.

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Daddy Blizz couldn’t have afforded to pay me enough to play Blunderstorm. I’m going to begrudgingly play RePanda BUT ONLY for the mounts. I got all the mogs I wanted when it was current. You are correct, I won’t play for fun. But no one plays anything without rewards. Even hard core M+ and mythic raiders complain about any other segment getting rewards by saying “if I can get similar rewards in easier content no one would (M+/raid)” which shows that they are also only in it for the rewards. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Could I get all the same rewards by just running Pandaria raid on retail?

No, there are unique recolors in the remix.

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Ahh, well looks like I keep leveling my shaman then XD

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Like Plunderstorm, i’m only here for the mogs. More specifically, i’m only here for the Tusks of mannoroth so i can put the 8+ years i’ve been wasting farming them to an end.

A more pertinent observation is that Blizzard appears to be trying out this “temporary fun thing” model, precisely because it allows them to ignore balance, aim at niche playstyles, etc. So by design they won’t be all inclusive, some will be more popular than others, etc. I think it’s a cool side feature so far. Never even logged into Plunderstorm, am using MOP to play with casters because I am terrible at those. (I am still terrible, but thanks to the hilarious power ups I can progress).

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Honestly it’s clunky. I’m not a fan of the non-stop abundance of gems and caches to deal with in my inventory.

It should feel more streamlined than it does.

Definitely do that, there are unique colors and the original Dark Shaman set from SoO.

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Yes because this is my first time experiencing the content outside of max-level or chrome time.

It’s irrelevant why I am playing it.

The fact is I am having fun playing it. I did not have fun doing plunderstorm.


The Dude, is that you?!?

It’s me Walter, “This is not ‘Nam, this is WOW, there are rules."

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