Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

LEGION! :eyes:


Oh this again. There’s almost no content in this game people play if there were no rewards. I have not set foot in Plunderstorm since hitting the max level, and I would venture a guess that most are in the same boat.

Sounds like a very scientific study.

Many, Many, Many MILLIONS of players do not play content without rewards.



Also worth noting that it’s actually quite normal to stop playing something. Gamers are so zoomer-brained now they think a game has to take up every second of your free time or else it has failed as a game.

The event lasts for three months. It’s not designed to last forever. Its success isn’t determined by how long people play, but if people liked it. If people like it, guaranteed it’ll make a return in the future under a different expansion.

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Depends what’s there. Legion’s open-world zones are just kind of mid, mostly just vanilla type stuff. The dungeons are solid though. That said, you don’t really get into the good stuff until you get into the thick of the post-launch.

Will ReLegion have Mage Tower? Probably not. Will it have M+? Probably not. Emerald Nightmare is just okay for a raid. I would say the best parts of Legion are all of the class fantasy stuff etc.

Now maybe, MAYBE if they bring back Artifacts for ReLegion and instead of leveling up some cloak you level up your artifact again as your infinite scaling system, that might be cool. Time will tell.


Did everyone who stopped playing Elden Ring hate Elden Ring because they quit playing after killing the Elden Beast?

And I’m aware Elden Ring has NG+ and other challenges beyond killing the final boss, it doesn’t change the fact that people quit once they’ve earned what they wanted to earn, and still enjoyed it for the time they played it.


You don’t know me, so don’t speak for me!

Yes I would play because I enjoy making alts and I am enjoying everything about it. Yes I will get mounts and battle pets, but I haven’t even looked at what’s being offered. I am just playing.

As someone who LOATHES PVP, nothing would get me to play plunderstorm. You enjoyed it? Goodie for you. Why can’t you just let those of us who like alts, questing and having Uber powers enjoy our event???


I’m old and don’t always know what the new cool emotes mean. What’s the deal with the hats?

And nobody will be talking about Plunderstorm years later. You’re practically the only person talking about it now.

Same as “Andy” and “cap” i guess. :dracthyr_shrug:

Oh, it probably is cap.

So . . . Twitchspeak.

It means your post is interpreted as either sarcastic or outright lying.

Here’s what google has to say -

In modern-day usage, “cap” is often used as a verb or an adjective to describe something as fake or dishonest. For example, someone might say “He’s capping” to mean “He’s lying” or “That story is cap” to mean “That story is fake”. Conversely, “no cap” is used to indicate that someone is being truthful or sincere.

Isn’t this exactly what was said about Plunderstorm all over the forums? But you claim that Plunderstorm still had people playing it for fun, so how will Remix be any different than Plunderstorm? You might like it, you might not, but not liking it doesn’t mean no one likes it, or that no one will play it. Some people continued to play PS after hitting 40, some people will continue to play MoP after buying all the mogs and mounts.

I played Plunderstorm to 40 for the mog and mounts and hated it. The pirate outfit was cool, so I earned it. As soon as I hit renown 40 I dropped the game mode and never looked back.

I used to play Fortnite, I stopped playing it because I was bored with BRs, and I moved to WoW. After moving here I was much happier, and realized BRs just really aren’t my thing. Plunderstorm was just a worse version of Fortnite (imo), so naturally I didn’t have fun with it.

I played MoP to level 21 and had fun. I like messing with the new gems, and I like the cloak. I also missed MoP when it was current, so I’m excited to try the raids, and do all the quests I haven’t done yet. And once I’m done with collecting everything I plan to continue leveling alts, and collecting Threads to make my cloak as OP as possible.


Folks call it bait thread or trolling this op is clearly bored smirking and messing with you.


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I would not be doing it if it wasn’t for the transmog/mounts :man_shrugging:t2:

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“Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.” - Luke Skywalker

To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I was going to try ‘ReMoP’ myself…at first. I was also thinking, would it really be worth the time to start yet another character (I have so many already), just for some mogs? But then I logged on yesterday to find that all of my friends were doing just that, so I figured FINE…I’ll give a try.

I’m having a blast. The constant rewards, the feeling of of power and agency…and I’m being reminded all over again why I love Pandaria so much. Once I finish leveling up my little Vulp priestess, I may have to restrain myself from doing it again.

So to you I say…kindly stop trying to tell me what I ‘know in my heart’, thank you very much. You haven’t a clue.


We have two eras of WoW: BT and AT. Before Transmog and Anno Transmog.

Transmog, mounts, pets, and toys have become the real endgame for WoW. They’re the only things we have in the game that will last until either we, or it, shuts down for good.

So. Because you hate pandaria, the masses are required to hate it too? I guess we aren’t allowed to play what was for many, their favorite expac.

But hey. As long as op likes plunderstorm, that’s all that matters for the masses.


It’s not the addition of transmog that really spurred this along. It was when Blizzard started marketing entire patches or game features as being able to raise your mog meter by X amount.

When the game stopped being about playing the game and became in part about raising that number, the game experienced a sad shift.

I ONLY played Plunderstorm for the mogs and mounts…as those are the biggest reason I play this game besides generally questing. So it stands to reason that if MoP were just a rehash of the original with no mounts or mogs and only super cool powerups…nope, probably wouldn’t play. I don’t play classic for the same reason, no interest in things I’ve already done.
MoP is probably my favorite expansion, and a huge plus is the mounts and mogs. If and when MoP comes to classic, I won’t touch it. /shrug

I’m not gonna quit because there is no reward for quitting. I plan to keep playing until I get offered a sweet deal to quit, maybe a Diablo 5 beta key…

( X ) Doubt


i rather have mop classic