Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

It’s also interesting to me because ~while this is obviously not the original MoP~ it is implementing interesting mechanics with it’s gear system that while I wouldn’t want them in a proper expansion, I’d love to see them in future Remixes; Like if they had this going with Legion players could have a truly unhinged, ridiculous time.

If you already have all characters at max and don’t care about mogs, what does Flop Remix bring to the table?


Again; so what? Even if I did, it doesn’t invalidate the content.


I enjoyed MoP first time around and I am enjoying it this time with the interesting variations with the gems and the cloak. There are a few mounts I might buy but I could not care less about the transmogs. I am playing it for the novelty and enjoyable setting. I will probably end up with a large surplus of bronze.

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I would play it without the mogs. It’s the best way to level alts that has ever existed in the game. I hope Blizz makes this the main way to level going forward.

And more importantly, it’s WoW which Plunderstorm was not. I enjoy playing WoW. I don’t enjoy playing BRs, even if they have a WoW theme. Remix is infinitely better than Plunderstorm.


I would imagine most people would say that the thing you can enjoy for longer, that leaves a lasting feeling on you, is better than the snack you consume in two bites and then won’t think about again.

If Plunderstorm never came back, people would still be talking about it years later, like how many of us talk about wanting Brawler’s Guild to return. No one will be talking about wanting Flop Remix back.

:billed_cap: :billed_cap: :billed_cap:

Troll posts are getting pretty weak these days…


It offers players an absurdist power fantasy wherein we get random powers and gems combined with random gear; it’s somewhat reminicient of Toreghast, Corruptions and Plunderstorm.

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This post and all subsequent comments from them in this thread read as though OP has a personal stake in Plunderstorm, and they cannot FATHOM the possibility of someone feeling differently about it than themselves.

Bro HAS to make everyone else feel as miserable as he does, for some reason.


Speak for yourself, bub.

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Look here Sentandy, you’re free to not play the content.

So go play your classic and stop crapping on what other people enjoy.


Yeah, and it’s the same few people complaining about remix. The majority of players love it. I don’t know why a handful of forums complainers are obsessed with making PS look better than Remix.


Simply not the case. People endlessly discuss the popularity of previous expansions, and MoP is constantly part of that discussion. Every argument you make is simply an extension of your confirmation bias.

People will be talking about plunderstorm for years to come in the same way; not because it’s better, but because it’s part of WoW the same as everything else.

You enjoyed Plunderstorm and you don’t enjoy MoP remix, and that’s fine, but everything else you say is relevant to you and you alone. You don’t speak for anyone else and you aren’t a spokeperson even for those who enjoyed Plunderstorm.


A fun experience.

Gasp, people like things you don’t like and people dislike things you don’t like. But I wouldn’t expect a blunderstorm andy to comprehend that.


I mean… I played plunderstorm for maybe an hour before I shook my head and threw in the towel.

By comparison I’ve ground out like half the horde side quests, multiple dungeons (and their associated quests) and one scenario because it’s been fun to see what’s coming down the pipe next.

Im only doing both for the mogs.

I played Plunderstorm and it was about 90% just for the mogs, mounts and pets. Once I got everything, I never went back in. I had fun and I’m glad they tried something new, but if it was still running, I wouldn’t be playing it. I love MoP. I’m disappointed they aren’t putting the cut content back in some way. And I’m annoyed that they keep advertising (like in an email I got this morning) that “all” the quests and “entire saga” are there. They are not. And I would like to have played through them in some form again and it stinks that people who never got to see them first-hand still won’t.

But I’m still having a very good time. Since I have a substantial army of alts already, I probably won’t run too many toons through, but I have one going through now and another on deck. And should I consider making more toons in the future, I wish something like this was around to run them through.

This might shock some, but we all play for our own reasons. I happen to like going through old quests again and this allows me to do it in a different way (well… mostly) and get some cool things too.

Honestly I probably would. It’s a fresh take on content I wasnt around for.

My group is enjoying themselves.


Think anyone would hope for a remix of a different expac instead. Like people would want a new area for plunderstorm.


Without all the rewards, I wouldn’t be playing it as much

But I actually enjoying the gems and stufd