Would you pay $42,000+ for all WoWs collector's edition?

What an oddly specific amount

would rather spend it on something useful like a education.

PayPal offers .6% APR on savings account

Just put 8 million in the bank, 43k interest profit in a year


opens wallet
$7.00, only $7,999,993 to go. I might have that by the time I die.

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I’d buy Alexstrasza or Ysera statues, if they had them. Maybe with Dragonflight!

In December before the old blizzard gear store shut down the whole website was 75% off

I tried to let people know about it and general discussion was like “lul”

Oh i got a ps 5 for reg price direct from Sony i had to sign for it

I got some shirts during it

Not for someone who collects in game items :laughing: I would buy them pop in the codes and get my pets and throw the boxes and stuff in the trash

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I wouldnt take it for free

maybe 4200 dollars, this whole lawsuit thing kind of hurt the value on a lot of things, this being one of them

i just like the look of the RF, just my personal preference. I wouldnt even be after performance figures or anything like that.

God no, I’d rather have the money instead.

Given how the game has devolved into the current state, I don’t think there is any value in any WoW collectibles anymore. So no. Even if he pays me to take his collectors edition, I wouldn’t want it. It’s a waste of space.

Na it’s not worth it. I rather use that money to go travelling and treat myself.


I wouldn’t spend $42,000 on a car, so I suspect I would not be willing to pay that amount for the WoW collector editions, which are less useful to me.

I’d buy Vanilla and BC.
I was married when WoW came out and he wouldn’t let me get the Collectors Editions. He left and since then I’ve bought every CE, so now they are the only two I need!



Waste of money.

I am incredibly poor. I couldn’t afford a $1,000-car let alone $42 on nonsense.


Nope, since if patient enough I’m sure you could get “hardcopy” collector’s editions for much cheaper than that, in total.

I finally got one, here in Omaha NE. One of the Best Buys here quit reserving them for Online Only, seeing how it was unfair with “profiteering snipers”, and instead you have to go up to the Customer Service desk and ask for one; then they are more than happy to get you one from the pallet of them that they have.

The difference in “No Man’s Sky” was like night and day. Suddenly I was instantly warping, loading in by complex bases, everything looked better and some of the animals suddenly had FUR!