Would you pay $42,000+ for all WoWs collector's edition?

I am incredibly poor. I couldn’t afford a $1,000-car let alone $42 on nonsense.


Nope, since if patient enough I’m sure you could get “hardcopy” collector’s editions for much cheaper than that, in total.

I finally got one, here in Omaha NE. One of the Best Buys here quit reserving them for Online Only, seeing how it was unfair with “profiteering snipers”, and instead you have to go up to the Customer Service desk and ask for one; then they are more than happy to get you one from the pallet of them that they have.

The difference in “No Man’s Sky” was like night and day. Suddenly I was instantly warping, loading in by complex bases, everything looked better and some of the animals suddenly had FUR!

no. thats insane. if you are trying to sell these then stop.

There will always be one guy who thinks his Mazda Miata is worth the price of a Ferrari
Reminds me of this…

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I wouldn’t, but I bet you would.

I still have this but I don’t think its worth jack squat… :sweat_smile:

I messaged the seller. He said they are all signed by Illidan, Arthas, Guldan, Gamon and Mankrik’s wife Olgra. You could buy and resell for 5 mil easy.

No way. It’s a game, nothing else.

Absolutely not.

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It would be interesting to see how long the free shipping lasts when the seller has to ship internationally.

You’ve got to be very sad to spend that kind of money on collectibles.

If I hit the big lotto? Totally! I’m enough of a geek that I’d apply the codes to my account and then put them on the shelf.

Heavens no. For that kind of money, I could either get myself a few really nice horses or rescue a herd of needy ones. :racehorse::horse:

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No deathwing? no sargeras? no deal!

I’m sure there’s a wealthy collector somewhere who would pay. But I am neither. The only reason I would want them at all is to resell them, so I’d have to get a deal. :slight_smile:

Nope, even if I had the money to burn.

I don’t see why they are so valuable. Are they factory sealed and signed by Leeroy Jenkins?