Would you like MC and Ony to be delayed?

I know it happened in Vanilla but i would like to see a extra phase added to classic, putting MC and Onyxia in phase 2 and having phase 1 just dungeons. The most fun time of a expansion on retail is before the raid is released, everyone is out in the world and farming dungeons its a great time.

What do you think?


I donā€™t know what Vanilla you played, but in the real one, the raids were released at launchā€¦

Same with TBC, same with WOTLK.


Ive more interest in getting back into 15 man UBRS and Strat.
Those where some fun times where I really learned to Tank :slight_smile:


No, this wouldnā€™t be cool.

MC was available on release. Iā€™m curious why you think it wasnā€™t.


In Classic/Vanillaā€¦ could you take a raid to Stratholme? I mean, would the game lock you out over groups of 5? Canā€™t remember.

Scholoā€¦ Scholo was what I meant. Not strat. I thinkā€¦ Im old. My memory is fuzzyā€¦ lol

uh, nah, dungeons and raids the same thing and steal people outta the world

You could raid both Stratholme and Scholomance (and also BRD). We would take in 15 people, then drop group as a boss died to get credit, then regroup to stay in the instance.

That isnā€™t 1.12 though.

Reason: Originally, to get to a 40-man raid in Molten Core, you had to go through Blackrock Depths. The plan was to get to BWL through Blackrock Spire, and to get to Naxxramas through Stratholme. AFAIK they never planned a raid instance through Scholomance, but hey, you never know.

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I mean, this would put an end to the threads about clearing MC in week one, so there would be a tangible benefit. But otherwise no, they should not do this.

Iā€™d rather not have casuals gate content because they want to /walk their way through ashenvale to ā€œenhance the journeyā€.


I would only like them to be delayed to prevent people from harming their self by trying to rush to beat the content on the launch week. I have no doubt a dedicated few guilds will do it, but it wonā€™t be healthy at all. Blizzard isnā€™t responsible for people not using moderation, but I do feel bad because there are people who probably will die or get long-term damage from trying to energy drink and coffee themselves through the first week with little sleep and no movement.

While I think youā€™re right, it always baffles me why people are that hell-bent on leveling.

I mean Iā€™ll level fast, but cā€™monā€¦ Other people need to be max level for you to do stuff, lol.

One of the most pointless change requests Iā€™ve ever seen. Launching with no 40m contnt would be quite dumb, as well. Blizzard knew this back in 2004. Thatā€™s why the game launched with molten core and onyxia.

FYI this is the same joker that made this thread, and made some of the most stupidest of posts in it: Why you should play Ret Paladin


Learn to read.

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doing this would drastically make Molten Core way easierā€¦ no thanksā€¦ iā€™m goin in with a mix of pre raid BiS and greens thank you very much not full pre raid BiS

Maybe learn to write then.

I know raids were out on release. How hard is that to understand?

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That is easy. But thatā€™s not how the sentence ā€˜englishedā€™.

I donā€™t think so. It would end up just annoying the crybabies that feel the need to burn through 15 year old content.

Just like they did 15 years ago.