Why you should play Ret Paladin

Why you should play ret paladin. You’re going to be the first player in the guild to get the 2 handers in raid, they won’t give them to the fury warrior first, or the hunter as a stat stick. If you’re a ret paladin you’re getting the first Ashkandi.


Good joke lol


Yeah you’ll be the first to get it after the pvp warriors all get theirs lmao.

You can have sulfuras though


you assume you get into a raid as ret in the first place :thinking:


How about these reasons…

  • Your melee buff will be stronger then other Paladin’s melee buff.
  • You’ll have an Aura that increases Holy damage of Paladin’s and Priest’s.
  • You get a second stun.

A good raid would want at least 1 Ret Paladin.


You know that the cookie cutter healing build includes improved BoM right?


Everyone knows all the 2h drops off of raid bosses, especially the 4 horsemen, are pally prio.

Thanks captain obvious.

I mean, only an idiot would disagree.

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There is no good reason not to.

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Good luck getting 30 mages, rogues and Fury warriors everyweek. Raids in Classic are that easy you could do them all with only balance druids.


There’s still more benefits then just that 1 talent. If you have other Priests and Paladin’s then the group damage increase from Sanctity Aura greatly outweighs the lower damage of a single Ret Paladin.

This is how Classic WoW worked back then, the classes that did less damage usually brought something else to the raid that made it worth their spot. It wasn’t like today where every class had to deal the same dps to be balanced for arena esports.


So if I bring a bunch of subpar smite priests and retadins to my group they can all enhance each other and do just shy of hunter damage all the while competing for an extremely limited set of equipment that is better utilized by other classes? Nice!

Thanks for letting me know how classic worked!


That’s not what I said at all, I said at least 1 Ret Paladin not a raid full of Ret Paladins…

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That’s not what I said at all, I said bring a bunch of subpar smite priests and retadins not a raid full of Ret paladins…

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Imp Blessing of Might is on the 1st row of Ret, so any Holy Paladin can easily take it.

Sanctity Aura improves the DPS of primarily just Paladins. Priests that want to DPS will be using shadow damage spells.

Repentance is an incapacitate, not a stun. It breaks on damage. It’s a great PvP talent, but it’s very situational in raids especially given that you have Hammer of Justice baseline.

I played a Ret Paladin in Vanilla. While most hybrids have utility, Retribution is in the unfortunate situation of even the tree specific utility that’s deeper in the tree is of very little use to a raid.

It’s not like a Feral Druid that offers 3% crit to your Rogues and Fury Warriors. You get +10% to your own personal damage, and that’s about it.

On top of that, Holy Paladins are a top tier healer so you generally stack enough of those to get all your blessings.

It can work to bring a Ret Paladin, there just isn’t really a specific reason to actively want one.


Ret Paladin: Because someone’s gotta swing Nightfall.


Well, that sounds good for a support build, but heal builds just need 30 points in holy. What you do with the other 21 points (20 if you pick up holy shock), has no healing benefit, and therefore not a “heal build”.

arguing about it not being a “heal build” is just semantics. 35/11/5 is the standard healing build for paladins. there is no “support build” for raiding paladins.


I keep hearing this. Are you going to pay for it?

30 points in holy isn’t 35 points in holy. So no, it isn’t semantics.

You need 30 points in holy. You DONT need 5 Paladins specced all the same because you leave out BoS.

A support build is one that eschews any damage dealing potential for the sake of providing more group utility.


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