Thanks for weighing in, I knew some parameters were missing (like every noob and cry baby does), like for example :
- Being a fresh member with not enough seniority.
- Imagine being entitled to say who, how and when someone gets loot after just being merely 48 hrs in the guild
- Again the fact that the small info the OP provided was enough to understand the guild was casual and he shouldn’t be there in the first place since his sentiment lean more towards being entitled to get loot through performance, which means he should have joined a more semi hardcore guild in the first place and those most of the time run with LC system for obvious reasons.
To be honest the guild master made a class act here by showing and telling his version of the story, this is why you in this forum should always not believe what the OP said when they come crying and complain because chances are high they are the noobs and on the wrong side, ergo they are just being bad at the game and lookin for validation after getting outplayed.