Would you have left this guild? Paladin raid leader loots Eye of Sulfuras to himself. (Paladin responds)

Thanks for weighing in, I knew some parameters were missing (like every noob and cry baby does), like for example :

  1. Being a fresh member with not enough seniority.
  2. Imagine being entitled to say who, how and when someone gets loot after just being merely 48 hrs in the guild :joy::joy:.
  3. Again the fact that the small info the OP provided was enough to understand the guild was casual and he shouldn’t be there in the first place since his sentiment lean more towards being entitled to get loot through performance, which means he should have joined a more semi hardcore guild in the first place and those most of the time run with LC system for obvious reasons.

To be honest the guild master made a class act here by showing and telling his version of the story, this is why you :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: in this forum should always not believe what the OP said when they come crying and complain because chances are high they are the noobs and on the wrong side, ergo they are just being bad at the game and lookin for validation after getting outplayed.

Yes… so then what about an officer telling him to change his SR? Is that how your guild operates? Looks shady to me.


So was it right for an officer to tell him to change his SR? Was it right after winning the sword for it to be given to someone else that did not have it SR and did not even win the roll?

  1. Yes he was right ,his guild his rules otherwise the door is big enough and open.
  2. Yes that was bound to happen as the OP joined a causal guild with SR system.

Don’t get me wrong on paper from a more semi hardcore approach, sure it was ‘morally’ wrong for him not getting the sword BUT then again it’s a casual guild and on top of it the OP who is playing the victim was in it for just merely 48 miserable hrs. :man_shrugging:t2:

The screenshot I shared with friends on Discord shows you as the raid leader when the Eye of Sulfuras was looted. If the Eye was given to you by mistake then why did you not use that 2 hours trade window to correct the mistake or put in a ticket? Because it wasn’t a mistake. You simply took it.

I never once stated that I should be entitled to loot lol. I simply said that your guild needs to follow its own rules. This is where people get confused…and think I believe a 2 handed weapon should go to me. As someone above so eloquently stated the problem is with the change in rules mid raid…not that I didn’t get the weapon or eye.

In fact one of your own officers stated in guild chat that the way you guys handled the Eye drop was a mistake and you will do better next time lol. I bet.

I would have had to roll against a ton of people for that Eye and I would have likely lost, but that’s not the point…the point is you didn’t even give your own guild members the opportunity to roll for that weapon. There’s people in the guild you lost trust with for that move…and you don’t even know it because they will never bring it up, but one day they might just /gquit out of nowhere and you’ll never know why. Some people could have wanted that weapon for over a decade and after you loot it to yourself all they hear in discord is an officer saying “ME NEXT ME NEXT I GET IT NEXT!!!” You think those people will hang around long term? Hell no.

The warriors that are more geared than I am could have made better use of that weapon than you ever will and you know that. However, that’s not the point…the point is that everyone that can use the Eye should have been given the opportunity to roll on it because that is what your officers said word for word would happen. However, as you stated “we aren’t going to give $10k weapons to new people.” So instead of telling new people when they join the guild that they can roll on anything that they can use that’s not reserved…you need to instead tell new people that any good loot that is not reserved will be handed out to friends. After you took the Eye of Sulfuras I heard another Officer say in Discord “It’s mine next. Me next. I call dibs.” Some guilds feel like they are filled with loot goblins. The odds of someone joining the guild and eventually prying a high quality item away from their hands over time is nonexistent. I even had an Officer tell me to change my soft reserves. lol

Basically everything I was told in whispers before joining the guild was a lie. You can’t soft reserve anything you want and you won’t be able to roll on high quality items that no one else needs. You don’t have a soft reserve system…you have a loot goblin system. You know what I would do if the Eye dropped and I was the raid leader? I would have said “Everyone that is melee dps and can use the 2 handed mace…roll for it.” Why? Because that’s what I told the guild members I would do. You know what I would do if Obsidian Blade dropped and I told everyone to roll for it and someone had the highest roll? I would give it to the person with the highest roll. That is common sense. A no brainer play. It’s about more than drops it’s about gaining guild members trust.

You know what I wouldn’t do as a raid leader? I wouldn’t call the people raising the same concerns as I have “greedy” and “entitled” and tell anyone who is not in my close group of friends that the only reason they are mad is because we didn’t hand them legendaries on a silver platter. You still don’t get it and likely never will. You and your friends will keep telling people they can roll for gear no one else needs…then just take it for yourselves and not even realize what you are doing. That destroys peoples trust.

I find it comical that when the Eye of Sulfuras drops the point is made about “Arms Warriors not being real PvE DPS” so that you get the Eye. However, when you tell everyone to roll on the Obsidian Blade and I out roll everyone…you don’t say anything about Arms Warriors not being real PvE DPS because it wasn’t going to be your weapon anyway. The only reason it was brought up with the Eye was to keep those pesky PvE Arms warriors from stealing your loot. That’s the truth.


You dont need half the gear in the game till nax.
Once zg/aq20 is out youll have decent upgrades and easier to get.

When BWL is out, youll forget about HoR.

Relogging the forums usually helps.

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That’s really a shame that you had that experience. Loot distribution and how it makes people feel is a very good indicator of the leadership. You saw two different examples of that.

My personal favorite will always be a DKP system with class priorities on every item. If you are a regular raider this is ultimately the system that is most fair.

I never liked Loot Council because it is very difficult to remove the perception of favoritism.

“Soft Reserve” sounds fine, but it has to be fair and above board. Any player you bring that soft reserves an item is able to roll on it and if they win they win. These guys were super greedy, and dumb. That guild will fall apart in no time if they have many raids like that.

This is the crux of it. Casual guilds have difficulty with easy content and goofy loot drama. Try hard guilds have egos that cannot be bruised over a piece of loot without hell to pay. I prefer just straight DKP, buy your stuff with currency earned by showing up.



If I ever logged into this forum I would know how to use quotes and replies, however, I am a two post Andy, forgive me.

This will be my second post and likely my last. I play the game, but when I heard I was famous on the forums I HAD TO FEAST MY EYES.

This is some of the funniest things I have read in some time.

I never once called you “greedy” or “entitled”, however, the idea that loot structures should be discussed, need be discussed, and/or are discussed upon entry to the guild fundamentally clashes with the entire purpose of Pulse.

We made the guild to clear content with friends. I have only been a member of this guild for a few months and have met TONS of amazing people, all of which buy into the environment we try to uphold — a calm, casual and competent group raiding experience.

Your understanding of the situation is fundamentally flawed, you’re sitting down to watch a movie 5 minutes before credits roll complaining about the quality of the movie (Shout outs the Dude).

I could spend an hour examining your posts line by line detailing how your premise, arguments and claims are either, baseless, unfounded or even downright false.

Instead I will leave you with this.

I am sorry you had a bad experience.

I apologize for any of the misunderstandings, misloots, misrolls, whatever it may be.

We are not perfect, which I’m sure you understand.

With that being said, I am raising money to fund my craft.

Whisper Jonlewis for offers.


Get farmed.

The famous guild drama farmer returns

loot council always screws 34+ people in the guild every run. Just like uhhhh SOCIALISN

So you’re going by “deviate delight” now nerd? Haha whats up, it’s KADE from KROMCRUSH. Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in BWL. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see not much has changed. Remember Vael the dragon you wiped on? Yeah I loot her now. I make over 2k parses a night and swing an Ashkandi. I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up lol. Pathetic…

The drama aside I just looked up the log and that was a 4 hour and 9 minute MC.

That’s diabolical

Your guild or at least you have killed Lucifron 4 times but only rag 1 time, your guild literally has over 10 wipes on Rag and needed to prog era rag.

I’m literally in shock

Is your guild called “Pulse” because you will recruit anyone who has one?


Burn, but so true. Also, their highest DPS is a smiting Holy priest that is the main healer lol. They kept bragging in Discord about how their Holy Priest is their top DPS. Not something I would have bragged about lol.

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Sounds like an absolute trash guild with terrible leadership and no structure.


Here is the issue…

You probably need everything being a fresh 60 / pvper.

So you SR highly sought after rare items knowing that you’ll also get a majority of the tier drops.

My guild has a simple system, anyone with less than 8 epic pieces of gear can only SR tier pieces. Any grey parsers get nothing

So dps warriors can’t ever get loot in your raid, sounds like a great system


Why can’t they get loot?

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loot council said no gear for fury warriors they have one weapon already

Because warrior dps don’t use tier, so they will never get enough epics to roll on anything