UPDATE: The guild mentioned below is not the guild listed to the right of my name beside my icon. I don’t know why our forum icons are never updated.
Would you have left this guild?
My fury warrior just hit 60, but I went out of my way to get decent gear for raiding and pvp. I’m currently ranking to 11 then 14. When I first hit 60 I was recruited by a very hardcore guild that clears MC in 33 minutes. The kind of guild that kicks you from the raid for not having more than one world buff and all consumable buffs. That guild was also Loot Council and told me that gear is prioritized to the players with better gear…so I might not get any gear for a long time. It just wasn’t for me so I left before raiding with them. Shortly after leaving another guild recruited me and appeared to be a lot more laid back. They told me that instead of loot council they do a Soft Reserve system. I thought ok this is great and will be way better!
A few days before the first raid I went onto their discord and signed up for the raid and soft reserved the 2 items I wanted.
Before raid day an officer in the guild whispered me and told me to change my Brutality Blade and Quick Strike ring soft reserves to something that he didn’t want. He specifically said “You should switch your soft reserve to Striker’s Mark since I already have that.” I explained to him that I didn’t need Striker’s Mark because I already had Satyr’s Bow and that I’ll hit cap with other items soon making the bow worthless. I then told him that other warriors already reserved “Blastershot Launcher”. He said “I don’t care, just don’t reserve what I do.” He then said “In the future we are thinking about switching to a loot council system.” I wonder why. I thought about changing my soft reserves…but I said screw it and just left them. By the way if I was a Guild Master I’d say to everyone in the guild “Soft Reserve whatever you want because that’s the system we chose for the guild. We want everyone in the guild to have fun and also get a shot at gear!” Sounds simple, right? Not for most guilds.
Raid day comes. I ask “So what about the loot no one soft reserves?” A officer replied “Anyone that can use the item can roll on it.” I replied “That sounds great!”. Little did I know that’s not exactly true.
We start killing bosses and a dagger (that no one reserved) dropped that I can use but pass on it because I saw rogues rolling. I wanted to be a good guild member and not piss anyone off so I pass. Then the 2 handed sword Obsidian Edged Blade drops and people start freaking out. The raid leader says in discord “No one soft reserved this item so everyone can roll on it.” I wait patiently to see if anyone rolls…every single warrior, paladin, and even hunter in the raid rolls…and then he says “Does anyone else want to roll?”…I then roll a 92. I hear “Congratulations Kaine you won the sword.” Then I hear “Oh wait a minute…is Kaine a Fury warrior?” I replied “Yes”. He then says “Well we need to give that weapon to one of our Arms PvE Warriors.” He then gives the weapon to another warrior at the bottom of the dps meter and says “Ok guys lets keep moving.” After that I thought to myself…ok why am I even going fury then if Arms warriors are getting the 2 handed weapons that everyone wants for PvP? It’s like I’m going fury to help the guild and getting screwed over in the process because the 2 handed weapons I want for PvP go to the guys at the bottom of the damage meter that are leeching off of everyone else.
We finally reach Ragnaros and kill him. I start hearing screaming in Discord. I’m not going to use real names here so I’ll just put __________ where a name should be. I hear someone in discord say “Hey guys Ragnaros just dropped the Eye of Sulfuras. I think that our guild members that PvP the most should be able to roll on it.” I’m thinking well when these guys see my hundreds of thousands of honor and exalted status I’ll at least get to roll for it since they know I’m ranking. Then I hear an officer that is not a warrior say “You know what though…screw that man…________ you deserve this more than anyone and Sulfuron would look sick on your Paladin you should just loot it to yourself.” I then hear another none Warrior chime in and say “Yea _________ you should take the Eye of Sulfuras for leading the raid.” Almost as if the raid leader whispered them to say that. I’m sitting there thinking…ok why would we give a legendary mace to a holy paladin when we have a roster of people including so called Arms PvE DPS warriors that desperately need it? A warrior then mentions how he’d use it and I kid you not the Raid leader chimes in and says “Well an Arms Warrior isn’t a real PvE DPS build anyway.” I wanted to scream “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY THAT EARLIER WHEN OBSIDIAN DROPPED???” After he tells the Arms warriors that they aren’t real DPS the Paladin then loots the Eye of Sulfuras to himself.
After we finish the raid we go to Onyxia where we wipe 3 times because people don’t understand the fight. Aside from the tank I’m the last warrior standing every pull. The Holy Paladin that basically ninjaed the Eye of Sulfuras in front of starving warriors asks someone else to explain why the entire raid keeps getting wiped when the dragon looks at them.
I then said in guild chat “Due to officers telling me to switch my soft reserves before raids, the 2 handed sword I won going to someone that lost the roll, and a Paladin looting the Eye of Sulfuras to himself in front of starving warriors… I will no longer be in this guild. I wish you all the best of luck.”