Would you ever date someone you met from WoW?

As a rule of thumb, you must have a 1300 io score to date me.

Dang, there are a lot of untrusting people on here. I met my wife through the game, we’ve been married for three years now. Just because you meet someone online doesn’t mean they are an axe murderer. In fact, I’d say you are way less likely to meet someone you don’t jive with, because you already know you have at least one hobby in common.

Unless the other person plays alliance. Then they are definitely an axe murderer.


That’s awesome! I met my wife on Guild Wars 1 and it turned out pretty damn good - 13 years and two kids later!

Have the best of times with this, OP!

At the time, my wife played exclusively Horde. I was the loser that got her playing alliance, though we vascillate between the factions.

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Glad you had fun and sometimes you find the best person playing a game. I know I did with my boyfriend.


“I met my Husband of 19 years, and still going, online. We didn’t play WoW then, but we do now.”

“The Question”
‘By Lady Cyndi Lou Marris Hue, The Noble’

"Some wonder who I am, let this puzzle you no more. I am an alien, as are they all. I have many names; Viviane, Isis, Mary, Morgaine, Venus, The Maiden, Athena, Joan, Aphrodite, and many more.

Most wonder what I am. This is also clear to me. I have many aspects. Healer, Mother, Woman, Teacher, Charmer, Counsel, Seer, Priestess, Sovereign, and the Goddess. Plus thousands more.

All wonder why I am. This I will tell you, for deep within me are the truest of secrets. I have, and will, exist always. I was born of Necessity, the Mother of Creation, to plant the seed of continuation. I spin the cycles of all existence into a perfect skein, to be woven back into the vortex of life. Insuring a chance for growth, to all that evolve within.

I can make paupers rich, and bankrupt Kings. I can make heroes out of cowards, and weaklings out of the strongest. The frail find the courage to live, while the surefooted stumble in the light. I can bind that which is scattered, and scatter that which is bound too tight. I can straighten order, and divide union.

To some, I am a vision, to others, a nightmare. For while I cloud reason, I reach in and enlighten the soul. Fortresses have fallen at my feet, as has the Satan himself. I am the yin of yang, and around again. I am the heart of Jehovah, and Buddha’s third eye. I am the keeper of the ages, and the wisdom of their lessons. There is a star for every dimension of me. I am so large that I hold all in my hand, yet, even the tiniest of creations is of top importance to me.

I am the web woven of understanding. The fire of remembrance. The pulse of the tides, and the voice of the angels. The plants dance for me to the music of Father Time. I bring rain to the deserts, and light to the darkness. I am grander than life itself, yet as fragile as china. To never know me, is to always dream, for once you find me there won’t be any time for such things, as slumber. The senses are shocked at my touch. The need for me is great. Although I make a jumble out of everything you believe in, all that you know would vanish without me.

Stronger than steel, I have cut through ones denser than stone. Softer than a rose petal, I have tamed the fiercest of beasts. I am the childish giggle, and the blushing innocents, in all of you. I am to some, harder to face than death, for I can turn the hunter into the hunted. I can disorient the mischief makers and guide the spirits home.

At last, you ask, where I am. No where, and every where. I am in the flowers of Spring, the icicles of Winter, and the blue skies of Summer. I am in the harvest of Fall, the glow of the moon, the sparkle of the ocean, and the poet’s rhyme. I am in the eyes of a new born and a grandmother’s hug. Look for me in the purr of a kitten and a nightingale’s song. In the babble of a brook and the whisper of the willow. The magic of dawn, and the mystery of dusk. I sleep in the graveyards and dance with the elements. I am in the stroke of the artist brush. I am in the hands that shape the clay. I’m in the music that keeps you alive. I’m in a Mother’s lullaby. I’m in the stars that fill the sky. I’m in the gardens that you sow. I warm the hearth when the fires burn low. Yet most important, to all of you, look deep inside…I’m in there too."

“What Am I?”
“Love.” :slight_smile:


All I can say is. That sounds absolutely beautiful!

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I did before, years ago. He and his parents drove up here so we could meet after 5 or 6 months. Nicest people I’ve ever met, to this day.

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I wish I had the courage to go and meet someone on this game.

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I still maintain it was an awesome date. So glad I went.

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That being said would anyone like to hang out some time?

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Met my wife online on a forum. Been happily married since 2005.
I dont see any problem with it as long as everyone is up front and honest.

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Untrue, you know what you’re getting at tinder looks wise

G.I.R.L=Goblin in real life.


So picture this,
You meet a nice gnome in Gold shire so you start doing with her, then like midway through it she turns around and her face is the GNOMED meme and your headset is flooded with YOUVE BEEN GNOMED ear rape.


People on Tinder commonly use photos that are 5-10 years old. I know that cause uh…

runs away


If you are a pink haired gnome.

I’d send them this.


I’m surprised this topic is still going…

Used to be a cute blood elf female who weighs 110 pounds
now shes a tauren lol


I found my SO on a different mmo, it can work out as long as both people are loyal

You can tell when people suck in, in their photos. Especially when they only have face pictures/old pictures.