Would you ever date someone you met from WoW?

Sorry, OP. I guess someone was bothered by how I worded my first comment.

Since the topic was asking if I would date anyone from/on Wow, I decided to answer honestly. “Shrug” But I guess some people are too sensitive and took it personal.

PS: I just want to say that I hope everything works out for you and that you find happiness. So little of it these days.

Yes, yes I got “offended” or something but I stopped :innocent:

I’m not in my 40s yet but I can say I’ve dated someone in wow but it was a long distance thing and it wasn’t very healthy. It made me quit the game for a long time and in fact ended up not wanting to turn the computer on as well.

There’s a difference in Written communication and Verbal communication.

For example
“Friends are stupid”

  • Can be taken as someone just saying they think friends are stupid. No harm no foul.
  • Can be taken as someone telling someone that having friends is a stupid idea.

It all depends on how you say it. But as written, I can’t tell from expression what you mean. I personally assume, unless said otherwise, that people don’t try and tell other people what to do as default. However some people could read it as you’re telling them they are stupid for having friends. But if we were in a real life situation and you said it to me then there would be no possible confusion.

So while no one had to lecture him about what he said, he also didn’t have it written down in a public forum where people can take things differently to their meaning. I’ve had arguments with people online because one of us read a message different then its intent.

Personally I find it easier just to explicitly state whether something is of personal opinion. That way there’s no confusion, especially in written communication


I met my ex on WoW. Most of our relationship was long distance. I live in the US, he lives in Canada. The drive was about 5 1/2 hours. I tried making it work during the last 1-2 years by “visiting” for a year but I ended up coming back home. There are no hard feelings. It just didn’t work out. Dated for roughly 8 years.

I actually met my current boyfriend on Facebook. I was browsing through OW groups, just looking for people to play with and we ended up adding each other. Got to talking the first time we grouped up and well, here we are. We’re having a baby this year… 3 months pregnant. :slight_smile:


I dated/hooked up with a few women from other mmos awhile back. The last one I dated ended up being a little nuts so after that I always stuck to my rule of never dating anyone I meet in a game anymore.

After my experiences, I plan to avoid relationships through wow or anywhere online in the future.

Glad you had a great time, hopefully you two will enjoy more fun times together. :smiley:

women really dig mages for some reason… go ahead boys, give it a shot… something about making them food is a good gateway.

Both my wife and I played WOW. But it didn’t exist when we started dating. We started dating after a Star Wars Pencil & Paper RPG session.

It puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again

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:thinking: Solaru?

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Yes. :relaxed:

Don’t know who or what that is.

Someone that used to post a lot here.

Love is like a houseplant. It will sprout and grow under the right conditions but, if you don’t take care of it, it will die.

And sometimes you do your best to keep it alive but the environment is wrong and love dies anyway.

But if you get it right, love will take the stuff that is bad for you in the world and transform it into what you need to live well.


Beautifully said.

since im married, no.
But I met my wife online on a forum, we married in 2005 and our relationship gets better every year.
As long as its two people taking time to get to know each other I think the internet is a great place to start. You have to talk without the physical crap getting in the way from the start, so you get to know the person better.
We talked for about a year before meeting in person.
Then I went up for a week at a time to visit to see how it would go.
Eventually she asked me to just move up where she lived (about 500 miles from my home) so we could spend more time together.
We married the following year and will be married 14 years in a few months.


my cousin met his wife (2 yrs atm i think) through WoW. He was in south Korea (military) and she was in US and when he got back they got together and married.


Glad you had fun.


Thank you! It was a blast. I am so glad I went.