Would you ever date someone you met from WoW?

I met Mrs. Bearfu in WoW, so I guess the answer’s yes. :thinking:

But you did exactly that. The poor woman is excited about her new found proposal and is asking for help. Rather than put her down, offer some help. If not, piss off. Simple.


I made the mistake of doing that once, it sucks to be long-distance.

Whatever you do, don’t bring up Religion, Politics or Sylvanas.

You can express yourself how much you hate Sylvanas once you’re both comfortable.

For the Horde!

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Best of luck!!

A female should be very careful, but really anyone should be.

No, you should not let him pick you up. You should meet him there, then you have control and can bolt.

If it goes well, with future dates, then you could ride together.

You should also let real life people know you are going out with him and his name. It goes without saying that you have seen his license on the video chat.

Louis CK, before the stuff, said he was amazed a woman would take the chance of going out with a guy. He compared it to just going out with a lion, then being surprised if something happens.

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It puts the elixir in the basket…


I can see why you’re an MVP.

He’s got a good point. Does this guy have good WoW views?

How does he feel about new Allied Races?

It is a mixed bag and you have to decide for yourself. I have seen a lot of relationships start, and end, in wow. Wives suddenly cheating with officers in the guild, people meeting and suddenly eloping and everything in between.

Just take it one day and one step at a time. If anything feels off, bail. Best advice: Look up the phone number for the local branch office of the FBI and put that into your phone. If things get weird, just show the number and make mention you are working with them on something.

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I married my husband that I met on the GTF-Unrealtournament Forum in1999. Never met anyone who plays WoW but him. It was not unheard of a woman playing an FPS but it was not the norm. Go for it- but think clearly… You have something in common which makes it a plus…GL

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I am invested now, gotta see where this goes

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I’ve done it a couple times. I was with someone for six years who I had initially met on this game, and got together with whenever we had the opportunity.

And I’m currently doing it again. No shame. It’s 2019. People can find others they have synergy with and enjoy anywhere, given how the world works.

We gotta get an update here, please let us know if you got murdered or not asap!

Is this really a question you need to ask in your 40’s?
You’re going to do what ever you want to do, so why are you even asking ?


I am Asexual, which means physical attraction is non existent (to Men or Women). Emotional attraction/connection isn’t within my scope anymore. Get burnt too many times and eventually, you are going to stop putting your hand in the fire. As a saying goes: “Love- The ultimate illusion”.

Love isn’t an illusion. Does your mother love you? Father? Siblings? My husband and I have loved each other for over 16 years. I loved my child since the moment I felt her kick.

Just because you were burnt doesn’t mean the rest of us are living in an illusion.


i dont put limits on things, but the chance of it happening? seems astronomical to even get an opportunity. plus most ladies ive played with in guilds are already married.

I am back. Was too tired to post last night so I am posting now. The date went absolutely fantastic! The guy was a huge gentleman. Very polite, charming and pleasant to talk to(pretty easy on the eyes too). Never at any point did I feel threatened, nervous or uncomfortable. After the movie we also went someplace nearby for a fancy dinner. Definitely one of the best Valentines day dates I’ve had in a long time. I will definitely be going out with him on more dates in the future.


I’m…pretty sure that I wouldn’t date my non existent family, if I had one. So no, they don’t “love me”. I thought this topic was obvious? Or did I misunderstand and it’s about family meeting up for the first time to date each other? :unamused: and why am I having to explain my own opinion on the matter? wtf.

You know, I have no idea what else to say. That’s how absurd your reply is.

Love =/= a date. There are all kinds of love.

Yeah and it has nothing to do with you being asexual.


Because you brought it up. If you don’t want to talk about it then don’t post it on a forum that’s open to discussion.

That’s a good thing.

No, you’re absurd thinking love only applies to couples.