Would you ever date someone you met from WoW?

I don’t think my husband would appreciate me doing this. :slight_smile:

But honestly I’ve known people who have met ingame and dated and done fine. Give it a shot. You won’t know if it works until you try it.

I did.

12 (I think?) years ago.

Married now, so I wouldn’t do it again. Trying to get my wife to play, though.

Never again tried it and not worth my time.

Ive done it, currently doing it now. If you feel safe with the person, and they respect your boundaries I say go for it. If you get weird vibes at any time, bail.

Maybe? I’ve never met a guy that plays WoW - in fact, I’ve never dated a guy who knows what World of Warcraft is. Strange how life is.

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if you have concerns about someone you’ve known that long no way.

Make sure you both are in the same page. Have fun, be safe. :slight_smile:

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I met my wife of…boy, what is it now, 9 years? 10? Something like that. I met them on WoW. just know how to be safe with it, yeah? Meeting someone for the first time is the big hump. Once you get past that, it’s like any other relationship.

Also, figure out if it’s serious dating or just casual “I want fun time.” Some disgusting examples of human beings think that WoW females are willing to have sex just for attention. Make sure you know which one it is, and make sure that they know you know as well.

Meet in public like others have said, but also tell someone you trust where you are going and who you’re going to be with. Maybe have them contact you after a certain time as a sort of safety check-in.

Why the hell not? You only live once. If you’re worried he might be a psycho just make sure to meet him in a public place.

I dont think my wife of 25 years would approve

Would depend if they agree that blood dk is the best spec.


It is exceedingly hard in my area to be in your late 30s/40s and meet a decent (key word) guy who shares your interests (especially if career takes up most of your time and you don’t date at work)

Frankly, I am jealous. Get it girl.


I would hesitantly agree to it, then drown in a pool of anxiety while coming up with a million reasons not to go. Then a day before we are sposed to meet I break it to him/her I can’t make it.
The days following I feel like I should have went and generally feel like I just let it all get to my head. But hey that’s the way I function.

I’d do it what’s the worst that can happen? Do the public place thing and go from there.

There are people in their 80s who don’t know anything about dating. Years give you more experience, sure, but not in every category!

Op: Go on the date unless you get a creepy vibe, but make the first date a “meet somewhere” date. Have your own transportation. Don’t get stuck if it feels icky.

I met my wife on a blind date. It was fun! We ate Kurdish food and then went to a coffee shop. So you two have fun!

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I don’t think you should judge people from the platform you met them from to be honest, judge each person for their character no matter where they are from


Heading out to my to the movies with my date in about an hour. Really excited now. Hope this turns out to be a great night!


I met my wife on WoW - I was in Florida and she was in Wisconsin. Been together for almost 10 years, married for 5. So that worked out fairly well.

On the flip side, before I met my wife, I had a brief relationship with another girl I’d met on WoW. I was 42 at the time, she was 22(!), and she lived a couple hundred miles away. It was great while it lasted, but she left when she found someone locally (and younger) that she liked more. So, I’d say that it can work, but don’t put too much of yourself into it emotionally until you’re pretty sure you’ve got a real thing.

On the positive side, my mother-in-law no longer thinks I’m a crazed killer intent on murdering her daughter.


Mhm I certainly would. It’s really no different from usual online dating, and I’ve had experience with that. I’m pretty trusting overall. Just keep the first date somewhere public to ease into it, not a suspicious weekend trip into the woods. Save that for the third date, that’s how you get them. :wink:

Oh and nice to hear you got it rolling. Hope you have a fun night!