Would you ever date someone you met from WoW?

You have a common bond in WoW, especially over a long period of time. Now the real question is, if WoW eventually dies… can your love survive? oh noes…

Some people have said in the past that some of the best ways to start a relationship are by doing things with someone who has similar interests. When someone has similar interests, then they have something to relate to. Although not all relationships are better off lasting forever.

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um… what?

In character, lad.

Don’t mind me.

Just dwarfing.


I would do it but take precautions. Meet in public during the day. Drive yourself. Don’t let him come pick you up. Make sure someone knows where you are and who you are with. Carry pepper spray. You can never be too careful.

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I met my husband in 2008 on World of Warcraft. I lived in Texas, he lived in Florida. We’ve been together for ten years now, married for seven. We have two girls and we live a wonderful life. :slight_smile: So yes, it can happen.


Gosh. That mog of yours is hot!

I never ever go to first dates without telling someone where I will be, without driving myself and without bringing something to protect myself. This is something my mother made sure to make me aware of ever since I was just a teen.

Gosh. That mog of yours is hot!

Of course it is. She has a body of living flame :sunglasses:

Guess ya can say she has a lot in common with a pre-heated oven…

it’s HOT!

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Just go somewhere public for the first date and you should be alright.

I dated a person I met in EQ. She was awesome, hilarious, super cool, nice and generally super fun to be around. I will always regret how it ended, but she was 4 states away, the logistics were a nightmare and ultimately we were in two very different seasons of our lives.

I’ll never expect her to forgive me, but she deserved someone way better and much closer to her current phase of life.

That being said…Starting a relationship with someone that shares something as awesome as an MMO is super cool. What a fun thing to immediately have in common. Just make sure one of you has the wherewithall to do the real life stuff outside the game too! :smiley:


I’m pretty sure my wife wouldn’t approve…


I did years ago but it didn’t work out. I mean, its not really too much different than any other online dating thing. You talk, learn about the other person, and eventually work up the nerve to ask them out.

I had very similar happen back in EQ. I know I am not her, but if it helps at all, I don’t resent the man I dated and I not working out. Everything happens for a reason and if him and I had worked out, I would not be where I am now.


I also met my husband in WoW, we have been together 11 years! You can definitely find “the one” online.


I have before. We met on WoW and had a thing for about 3 years. If you like someone it doesn’t really matter how you meet, you should take the plunge! Just make sure you are comfortable with meeting them. I have also met others I met on WoW but those weren’t as serious.

And be careful :slightly_smiling_face:

I met my boyfriend on SWG. We were friends for awhile and recently started dating. I can tell you that there is no one better for me than him. Maybe some of it was we were friends first but I am glad we met and are dating. He is the sweetest person I have ever met.


I don’t know, political compatibility is somewhat important in a long term relationship. You don’t want to get tied up with a commie if you aren’t like minded.

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I met my husband on WoW. We have two kids now and still play together. <3

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Hell no.

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