Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

How that variation is achieved I think is the Crux of the argument: skill or chance.

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I donā€™t get where people are coming up with this RNG argument. The entire conversation with Ion was about covenants and the many things they add. RNG did come up as an example of past ways they tried to create variation which wasnā€™t well received.

Letā€™s be clearā€¦ RNG and covenants are not the same. You get to choose your covenant. You just have to live with that choice or face penalty.

You want to know the irony of this? There would actually be MORE variance in Mythic raids if the covenants freely changeable. As it stands now, if they are a pain to change, every single hunter will pick the exact same covenant and never experiment with something different because they wonā€™t want to jump through the hoops if it doesnā€™t work out.

So if you want variance in raids, you actually want the covenants to be changeable.

I donā€™t mean to be contrarian or annoying - let me know and Iā€™ll drop it. Iā€™m just jumping on what appears to be surfacing: an anti-skill, pro-RNG discussion to learn more. Do you think skill and how different hunters play their class should be the determining factor of variance. Or do you think variance should be achieved by passive elements, outside of any hand eye coordination or response times?

Iā€™m sure weā€™ll have to wait until SL comes out. But your guild could choose to go check in every 2-3 levels and see how the abilities perform in M Nyā€™alotha. Keep around your old M Nyā€™alotha gear so you donā€™t get too overpowered or just use intro quest greens for ā€œextra challengeā€.

I certainly agree with that. But I think that issue is a lot larger than just whether or not you chose the ā€œrightā€ covenant. That issue underlies why people struggle to transition to end game content. Most of the end game content is just completely different from what you do before that. I do think Blizzard could do better about mixing in some challenging dungeons and raid mechanics to help teach people the strategies and mechanics before they get thrown into deep water. I donā€™t remember the last time I saw a group quest bossā€¦ WotLK maybe?

Iā€™m not sure how much low level arenas make sense. But for all I know twink arenas or RBGs could be really popular.

I think a healthy mixture is the answer. Variation in builds is what makes compelling gameplay. If everything comes down to a clear cut copy paste no differences at all. It becomes very boring. To have no variation you would have to remove fun trinkets, crit, and literally anything that has a proc. The end result would be a bunch of stats which are nothing but flat damage, healing, or damage mitigation numbers. Does that honestly sound fun to you? Because that sounds extremely bland. Lack of all flavor.

What makes you think that locking player choice will encourage more build variation? The ONLY thing that will allow for more variation is perfect balance which is mathematically unobtainable.

Quite cumbersome but a possibility, yes. I do doubt one would be able to get many interested in wanting to go to old content and try out those abilities. I sincerely think most of us will watch guides and videos and theory or feely craft which ever ones will fit with why we want to play most

However I still lament having to choose between a covenant whose overall motif just looks awesome and one whose class ability sounds really fun. Would like to be able to mix it up a bit more. But cā€™est la vie!

Covenants were only cosmetic: What? These are boring
Add abilities to covenants: WTF BLIZZ FIX THIS IMBALANCE

Might as well just remove all of it, these people will never be happy.

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dont think it would help you much as my OP was with the specific context of what was said, and in that context in particular, what they clearly meant was how fast, efficiently or correctly one pushes buttons. My definition of skill is irrelevant, in this case.

Is that what Preach was arguing for? I watched the video but zoned out half way through because I have the attention span of a

No. Its just the WoW forum crowd being overly hyperbolic as usual lol.

Re-link of a answer to a direct question. I hope that answers your question. It should.

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fixed it for you

No, OP took a discussion about how Preach did not like the RNG variance from the last couple expansions and made up his own delusional conclusion.

Agreed. Iā€™m more writing of variance in throughput/dps. Not variance of talent build. Most folks run with similar builds because there arenā€™t many meaningful choices for high end content. Some boss fights and mythic plus affixes definitely change it up which is fun.

Again, the discussion on Preach and Ion seemed to be asking ā€œshould the difference(variance) between DPS output be based on skill or RNG and chanceā€

Okay cool so Iā€™m not completely insane.

The thing is, the question wasā€¦ if the ONLY difference among them would be who can push the buttons more effectively and execute the mechanics of their class. Which encompasses ALOT more then just RNG.

What Preach did with RNG was building a strawman because they was talking about Covenants and then he was likeā€¦ BUT RNG. lol.

Fast, efficient and correctly are vastly different concepts. Nonetheless, I donā€™t mean to belabor the point and bug ya. Thanks for the reply, Fang. And the thread in general. Good discussion here.

Did you even listen to more than the first 5 words of his response? lol

You are taking his entire response out of context.