Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

I literally dont understand how some of you think Preach was asking for that. He was basically asking for any systems from when WoW was at its peak. Anybody that has played this game 10+ years should understand what he was saying.

The middle ground was what we had before Legion. It was RNG if the boss dropped the piece you were looking for, and if you won the roll. There was RNG on some trinket procs or spell procs or weapon procs.

Lately its been that the boss has to drop the piece you were looking for, it needs to proc a corruption effect, it has to proc the right corruption effect, and the right level of corruption, and proc a socket. It’s way too much.

All that is removed in SL though, and people are still not happy. They won’t be happy until complete homogenization.

Man, that seems disingenuous to ask if skill should be the deciding factor, assuming the question is asked rhetorically or patronizingly. I sincerely thought that Ion’s big push for the GCD change was to illicit thoughtful and meaningful choice - on a micro (temporary speaking) level - in determining which buttons to press because most of them are now Gcd’d. This to me translates to skill: expertise in knowing what to do and when.

yeah i liked pandaria more than any of the recent expansions we had.

also i want abilities depruned

having borrowed power is ok since it makes the open world more relevant. but the amount of overall rng we have had is too much.

also you don’t need to add a ton of rng to have borrowed power. anyway

Cmon guys, the actual conversation has been quoted to oblivion in several threads here today. Ion asks if there were 3 hunters in your raid would you (and your community or w/e) enjoy/believe it to be good for the game if they were absolutely equal in all regards and the only deciding factor to determine their throughput was player skill and preach’s answer was dumbfoldness followed by i cant see how that would not be the case.

The OP is the logical conclusion of that very convo.

if i wasnt grinding crates in gta online id bother finding you the very minute:second this takes place.

People are extremely happy about this. I haven’t seen anyone complain about the gear RNG being gone. Literally the only complaint I’ve seen about SL so far has been tying player power to a semi-permanent choice. Which will lock a lot of people in to 1 spec or 1 type of content for the entire expansion.

Yes, but that is because it boils down to the same thing. They want everyone to be exactly the same. They don’t want variation. They want homogenization.

Nope, that’s how you kill the game.

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I’m curious what your definition of skill is and what the antithesis of skill is. For my reference to your mindset. No snark intended. I think it would be helpful to know this to further chat about this topic.

No because he actually never said any of that.

They want balance and standardization, not homogenization. How does one draw the conclusion that enforcing LESS variety available to a player will end up with MORE diversity?

The logical conclusion is that 3 hunters all have full cleared Heroic many times, have cleared many Mythic bosses, and should have very similar if not the same loot because they are all chasing the same pieces that are good for their spec. Then when they all fight the same boss, the damage variance should be based on the player skill and execution of that pull, rather than gear RNG before it (like titanforging, sockets or corruption) or RNG procs during the fight (like TD or Infinite Stars).

This is what I took from that part of the conversation.

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He literally says he wants every hunter to be exactly the same. That is homogenization no matter how you try to gift wrap it.

How different should they be between each hunter?

He is also talking about the high end raid scene where, in the past, everyone eventually got to this point anyways. There used to be a BiS list, and people farming Mythic (Heroic back then) finished it. Then they could compete to see who could execute the best on the logs. That has been impossible for the last 2-3 expansions due to copious amounts of RNG.

So in your favorite past expansion from BC-MoP, every hunter at Preach’s level of play was exactly the same outside of skill/execution.

Which was/is boring AF. Variation is important. Sacrificing gameplay variation for the sake of competition is a bad idea. Ion recognized that RNG wasn’t a great way to get that, so now they are trying other means to make people different.

So you would rather have raid encounters and logs be decided by a slot machine?

No, I wouldn’t enjoy any streamers version of WoW.

A slot machine, or choices we can’t back out of. Anything other then making everyone exactly the same.