Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

Preach is making his own version of WoW. Here are the differences:

  1. No leveling, no talent trees, no racials. Every player that uses a particular spec template has to be the very same so the only deterministic factor in damage dealt (which is the only thing that matters to him) is player skill. Hence there’s no need to select talents/race or have a leveling experience since choices are bad.
  2. No secundary stats on gear. In fact no differentiation of gear at all, it just goes up in power the faster you clear things. If secundary stats were to carry any weight on performance and there was a chance of two types dropping, it would already cause an unacceptable discrepancy. All that matters is player skill.
  3. Built in raiderio, damage meter and damage comparison in real time. You will be able to see whether you are mashing buttons as fast or efficiently as the other death knight templated char on the raid so you can feel good about your performance
  4. No content outside group instanced content. That is all irrelevant fluff that is unimportant and you just put up with it if it doesnt get in your way of doing your own thing with your posse.

The game would have died years ago if that were the case.


These people should try playing a MobA or FPS versus AI! Thats the game they are looking for!


Literally none of these points are anything Preach has ever said, or vouched for. If you actually watched any of his content you would know he doesn’t care in the slightest what anyone else in the game is doing.

He just doesn’t want to have to jump through so many extra hoops in order to play in the top end.


When did he mention any of these things, or anything even remotely close to it? I feel like you are taking what he is saying and moving it to some extreme side which is incredibly disingenuous to what he is suggesting in this sit down.


Seems like a bit of an oversimplification.

It’s odd right now here within all the emotionally charged outrage posts on the forums.

Apparently if I hate covenants I am supposed to be lambasting Ion right now.

If I like them I need to be tearing on Preach.

I am not mad at anyone over WoW. What am I doing wrong?


You mean your interpreted version of preach’s wow

Raiderino built in would just be rated mythic +

Absolutely nothing, enjoy yourself


Nothing. This is how it should be. People should have different opinions on things, if it was all the same then the game would be dead. People are very passionate about WoW, and I get that. But clearly both Ion and Preach genuinely believe their sides are what is best for the game. No need to attack them for it at all.


Source for Preach suggesting any of this? Sure as hell wasn’t in that interview.


Who is this Preach guy? Up until a week ago I never heard of him.


The funny thing about this just flat out lie of a post was that his chat got filled with people asking to remove LFR, which he quickly shut down and said people need to stop caring what other people are doing when it doesn’t effect you in any way. LFR is fine, and if people enjoy that then let them.

Probably 5 minutes after the interview ended lol


Thank you for being the poster child of every bad poster on these forums


British Elitist

If you don’t know anything about him, anyway


A popular content creator for world of warcraft.


You just described point n.4 with different words.

Which goes to show just what kind of choir hes preaching to (or for?) , if you catch my drift.

It’s possible to say “I don’t want as much progression comlexity” without meaning “I don’t want any complexity at all”.

And although of course the game the OP describes is not the game I want, if that environment had an audience and could somehow be achieved as its own progression path that didn’t impact my game, go for it.

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So Preach wants Mobile WoW? Raid Shadow Legends is already out though… :thinking:


No I didn’t. In any way.


Love how you ignore all of what you said thats not true, misguided, or literary wrong but you made sure to correct something that can be twisted to be in your favor. Just say you dislike Preach and move on. He doesn’t care what you do in game, he has clearly stated that multiple times.


No preachs ideas are mostly dog crap

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