Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

True. Could go back into that content to play around with it. But will we have all our abilities from the covenants then? I thought the pre patch was going to remove corruption and essences etc,but not completely introduce covenant abilities. It will still be leveling content (m NYA), right?

You’re seriously complaining about nerfs in the alpha/beta?

you honestly think blizz wont nerf covenant abilities when it hits live when 95%+ of a spec or class is only choosing one covenant?

then that has the flow on problem. you make the swap to the next best covenant. and then that gets changed. then so on and so on etcs.

I agree with you but the problem is all the streamer followers and hi end fans will always take the “right choice” even when it’s a .1 percent difference

That is clearly not what he meant but you can carry on being delusional if you’d like, OP.

It’s going to happen regardless, so Blizzard trying to make it more difficult won’t change anything. There will always be a best and many folks will always shoot for it. Rather that is class, spec, or BIS gear.

Adding additional hurdles and limitations is just silly.

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Agreed. I’m just thinking of something like Mythic Shadhar. If everyone had venthyr ability you could much more easily avoid stuff, feed the dog, and generally position around the room. That mobility translates to real gains.

If Blizzard wants to tweak a boss around that, it would have to be done as to make mobility a meaningless gain. And as such,if you DID have mobility, it would be even stronger. Or they’d have to nerf the ability (venthyr) which would be frustrating to those that took it.

If this is all I got to go on then yeah I’d probably be down for it.

Thing is people on this forum would rather flag the op and claim trolling and extrapollation instead of seeing a logical conclusion like that. And the game Preach wants (and by extent his followers want) is not sustainable. Look at Wildstar, they tried, look at where they got. Look at the whole team based shooter scenario of overwatch, look at how crowded that space got and how fast. Now Valorant is all the rage. Players that enjoy that genre just jump ship at the next big thing, they dont form a bond with the game, it’s not a long time commitment, and its not what wow is. Anyone who cares about wow cannot possibly accept seeing the game being taken in that direction and not realize it’s a dead end. It is a divisive wall, and there’s two sides to it. Thing is the crowd of one side will stick around, the crowd over the other will just go to the next big thing because that’s what floats their boat. If you dont want customization and choices and commitment, there are several games out there much more suited to your kind of instant gratification.

It’s E-sports or nothing.

Honestly this entire wanting of the game to play like a loadout simulator is beyond reason. People that want this destroy the core of MMoRPGs.

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Exactly, and catering to that crowd is a dead end!

OP is just making stuff up though. It would be like if you said “I like oranges” then I made a post about how you hate bananas. It is correct to be reported. If the OP wants to take a specific quote or topic from the interview I’m sure everyone would be happy to discuss it.

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Well no, I think there is a place for it. I honestly feel like if there was a server dedicated to people that enjoy this. It could be good for the game. Some never ending esport version server could attract a new group of people. And a server like that would make those people who want this and damage the communities that don’t would be a boon for us. Because they would leave the normal servers for that version.

I can see why you got flagged. That’s just horrible what you described.

That’s impossible to do, due to the nature of these abilities. Lets say I have 100k HP and there’s a boss ability that does 120k.

For the sake of simplicity, we’re assuming raid cooldowns don’t exist here. I can survive this ability if, and only if I go Necrolord, which means if I choose any other covenant I’m dead.

But if Blizzard nerfs that ability to only do 90k, so every covenant survives it, there’s no real need for me to be Necrolord, because I can survive the biggest threat the boss has to offer so long as I’m full HP.

Likewise, what’s the point of Phial if every Healer can clear every debuff?

Whereas mobility makes EVERY fight easier. Blizzard have never designed a fight in the past 10 years where I don’t need to go from A to B and both Venthyr and Night Fae make that significantly easier.

The same reasoning is why Tanks will forgo mitigation in favour of raw damage, and healers will focus less on MP5 than other stats. They have a finite limit on how much you need, and anything above that is useless.

Whereas stuff like DPS and mobility scales virtually infinitely. Going from A to B in one second is almost always more useful than doing it in 2, and doing 100k DPS is more useful than 50k.

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I guess you weren’t around for the actual stream, because it was pretty clear for me while watching that what I wrote in the OP is exactly what he wants to turn wow into.

I mean Ion asked him point blank if he thought this would be good for the game. Preach responded that it was pretty much his dream version of WoW. It can’t be denied. Whats more, is Preach genuinely looked shocked that Ion would even ask that. Like Ion should believe that was good for the game as well.

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Where exactly in the video did you watch that?

I want to understand the context of the rest of the conversation.

Ion asked him about RNG and variance. And if Preach thought that the difference between 2 players should be the player skill, instead of RNG. I don’t think there is anything wrong with player skill being the differentiating factor. Right now it’s who’s infinite stars or TD proc’d more. That isn’t fun or satisfying at all for anyone, and Ion even agreed with that.

This conversation about RNG however, has nothing to do with what was in the OP. There was nothing about stat templates, nothing about deleting leveling, etc. He just made it all up because Preach thinks there has been too much RNG variance in the game lately.


Mmmm, was pretty early on I stopped watching because of it. I’ll try to find it. It was where Ion asked if he thought if all hunters should be exactly the same or something along those lines. The facial expression of preach at that moment was one of being dumbfounded.

i feel like wow has gone in a direction of being too over the top and rng laden.

but i definitely don’t want to lose an open world

so i’m somewhere in the middle on this i’d say