Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

It’s a concern for anyone who actually cares about the game as a whole and not just their transmog.

I don’t care. You still never answered my question and you’re only making it more and more relevant to the conversation.

Why must we hurt the enjoyment one group has in the game? Based on your response it seems you could care less whether or not you have the ability. So how would this hurt you in any way?

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You have to admit, most of what he’s said about Shadow Priest is accurate however. Blizzard is really screwing all players of a single class over, and they aren’t even interested in fixing it. That’s a problem to me, because I know it’ll spread to other classes in due course.


This is my take, too, from an RP perspective. The Night Fae covenant paladin ability just screams old school paladin to me. But the overall motif and theme of Kyrian shouts paladin, too. The cosmetic choices seem to favor Kyrian - from a Alliance paladin aesthetic.

This is before I even contemplate the power differential those two covenants yield for my character. Purely aesthetic and thematic for me.

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Basically what this discussion turns into is blizzard should have given all of us 0 choice and just made one ability for each class, color coded it to their covenant and called it a day. There’d be no complaints, no choices and have one nice cookie cutter build for everyone.

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That would be a lot more reasonable if players weren’t forced to try out all four covenants before they ever make a decision.*

Yes, it’s hard(ish) to change once you’ve made a decision, but you get to see and try out the options first.

*Well, unless you just skip all the quest content and grind dungeons/bgs to max level.

That’s if you just ignore everything we have been trying to tell you.

This is just a sign of you giving up.

A popular content creator OF World of Warcraft.

He does NOT create content FOR WoW.

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Because no matter what the answer is someone will complain And “their enjoyment” will be hurt. If you listen to preach’s complaints their should be nothing with a new expansion but some cool transmogs, and new raids. Maybe a dungeon or two to get them to the raid . No systems should effect power by what they’re saying.

I would definitely not. WoW is a game, not a contest.

Leveling doesn’t let you judge the effectiveness of abilities in the end-game, especially for PvP.

Good luck figuring out how effective the Mage Venthyr ability is for PvP when you’ve only ever used it for leveling.

Watching his video irked the heck out of me. Like you can tell his mood was getting worse and worse. He was acting like his two cents matter so much. Oh boohoo to be on the top i got to grind and do work in a mmo.

Clearly MMOS are not for him, and when he started talking about in another video how his guild talking about going to final fantasy. Even that made me sick because I don’t want that game that has a much better raiding community to be filled with people like him.


Yes thats not at all what he says. He just wants the gear that you’ve worked so hard to obtain be the factor that defines your performance.
Simplest example is the corruption system. Before the rotating vendor was introduced there was no way to target a corruption that’s good for your spec.
So if 2 people of a guild or pug are in a raid with pretty much same ilvl gear, the guy with the corruption would be pumping out so much more dps. Initially it will be fine because you’ll think to yourself it’s only a matter of time till you get that particular corruption or something close to it on your gear. But even after grinding long hours and you never get it, all that happens is the person with no corruption will always be performing inferior to the person with the corruption.
And after a while it becomes depressing and questions like “Why am i even bothering with this?” popup because it feels like there’s nothing that the player can do to get better performance.
Same thing will happen with covenant systems. Not to mention, even if someone goes with a covenant that’s good for their spec/class and few days later that gets nerfed or another covenant buffed it ends up being the same situation.
If given the choice, an “actual choice” you would not see majority changing covenants or more like feeling forced to change covenants, if player power was not tied into it.
I would straight up chose a covenant i like the mog, mount, fantasy and story of if player power was not tied to it. So in this case I would love to play an RPG but blizz is actually going against it

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The ultimate problem I see is this.

Tell me how players will feel if they pick say… Bastion / Kyrians, because it’s the best raiding covenant and they dig the aesthetics. So now that player works 2-3 months to reach the ultimate point where everything is unlocked… and then Blizzard heavily nerfs it making anyone who uses that covenant power a liability.

Oh and all the Mogs, Mounts, and stuff you earned? Gone.

Now 5 months later Blizzard’s stance is “We were really hard core on Kyrians. We’re rebuffing it. It was an error.” Well guess what. You want to go back, but now you have a big penalty to restore your original covenant. If anyone can’t see how this will piss off both elite and casual players alike, then they are liars, and being intellectually dishonest at the same time; simply to be a white knight.

This is the outcome I want to see prevented. This is the frustration I want to avoid.

We need surity in this. This is what Ion needs to ensure does NOT happen. This is why penalties swapping covenants is bad. Because Blizzard’s track-record on balance is bad. If it wasn’t I would be less concerned. But when I look at Shadow Priest design, I see it as a prelude of things to come.

And that’s another sign of you giving up.

Did any group in the past in significant numbers complain that not enough player power was tied to cosmetics?

I doubt it.

You can do bgs before max level… Try it out in a bg?

Or they could let players earn their way with more than one covenant.

Sure, I’d play Preach’s WoW.

That’s the only part I can answer since the rest of your post is made up nonsense.


You are not locked into the choice you can change and do a questline regrind it out.

It is not like you can’t change. The system is design to make sure you don’t do it often. Lets not pretend you are locked in.

My question isn’t about choice but about the duration of choice. How long does ones choice last? A dungeon? An encounter? Until you switch specs? An expansion?

Choice is one piece of the puzzle and having choices is good. Otherwise, in our debates of choice vs no choice, we might extrapolate that to “why have the Trinity and be forced to choose between being DPS, tank, heals?”. I argue we have those kinds of gameplay choices for set periods of time.

Covenants is very interesting because it shakes up the paradigm that has been eroding since late wrath: dual spec, removal of weapon expertise (remember having to grind on max level mins for hours to level up polearms if that was the new weapon you got?), plate pieces changing primary stat when one changes spec, etc.

I’m fine to be along for the ride, but I just want to mention that choice isn’t the only part of the debate: it’s the permanence of choice that is worth discussing, too, I think.


Eh. I personally see the Covenants as a major part of our identity and experience within the Shadowlands. But seeing as how we gain these abilities through leveling, I don’t see why they couldn’t just free them up.