Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

Uh yeah. They should. They take on the hardest challenges and are the most committed to the game. They shouldn’t be punished for trying to get the most out of the game as possible.


Just because they insist on trying to be the first ones to kill a boss doesn’t mean they’re more committed to the game then anyone else. If you listen to their complaints they want to raid log and not play otherwise. Who’s more committed the group that logs in once a week to kill some bosses or those logged in every night enjoying more then just the hardest end game content they did after complaining about the extra work they had to do to get there.

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Yep. we’re not “elite” because we take what the game gives and make the best of it, enjoy the challenge and turn it into something special. We’re the “elite” because we complain till we get what we want and then we trivialize every form of customization untill it can all fit into a spreadsheet and then we mash buttons efficiently.


Oh Puh-lease! They turn a game into a spreadsheet because they’re paid to do it. They only care about gear cus they only care about being top they are not playing wow for wow and if you think the game should be designed to fit the goals of people who play like that…well…wildstar is there (or not) to have a word with you.

To be clear to everyone here. Preach’s WoW would be a MoP style expansion. Not what OP has typed out.


He’s not wrong. Battle for Azeroth was an absolute nightmare of an expansion for the high-end players. All they knew was Island Expeditions, eat, sleep, repeat. That along with playing the corruption lottery. It wasn’t fun for them.

Preach’s worries are concerns for us all. I’d call myself semi-casual and even I worry about being suboptimal because I prefer the Kyrian over the Venthyr. Heck even Ion has admitted this is a major issue and they are committed to making this balanced no matter what it takes. Ion has said on multiple occasions that they are willing to pull the cord and loosen the restrictions on the covenant class abilities.


Any game where it is homogenized so skill becomes the only deciding factor is boring because it doesnt work with RPGs, it works with rts, fps, mobas, not RPGS

So no, people who obsess over skill in an RPG game should go play a real skill based game.


I read it a bit differently.

He doesn’t want gear to factor in to performance. Just skill.

An RPG of any form is not a place for that.


Umm no? That has nothing to do with what I said. I don’t even know where you got any of that from my post.


Raid or die is a terrible design decision, and one I’m not entirely surprised someone who only seems to raid suggested.

Here’s a question. Why is it that for some reason you seem to want to alienate or prop up one crowd? This is a game we all play. There is no reason why this should alienate one group of people just because they do a certain form of content.

And also, for the last time, covenant imbalance is not an issue for just the high end. It’s a problem for all of us.


Why was this post flagged?

" Would you enjoy Preach’s WoW?"
I most definitely would without a doubt. I’m a complete casual by the way. Havent set foot in a BFA raid other than LFR.
All this borrowed power and forcing choices crap came in legion. Before that gear was straight up gear.


It’s not a concern for"us all"
It may be a concern for you but I don’t feel the need to be perfectly optimized for every piece of content on one character. Just because I follow preach and enjoy some of his content I don’t pretend to be or want to be a top 100 mythic raider. The systems as is will not effect me or anyone I know or play with because we understand we can make choices and it won’t stop us from enjoying the content we play together. This system will not stop me from getting aotc.

I thought he was also advocating for non elites. Mentioning that if folks want to try other covenants simply because another covenant ability looks cool, swapping between covenants is more difficult than simply changing talents.

Though I acknowledge that Blizzard wants that to be a new paradigm: that choices matter. It feels a bit throwback-y and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re trying to capitalize on success from Classic, RuneScape, reboots being fashionable in consumer culture, etc.

I’m hip to see where this road leads all the same.


Not at all what he said. They were talking about RNG and Preach was basically saying that he prefers when everything is deterministic, and that 2 DK’s for example can get the same gear after time and can compete with eachother without things like titanforging or infinite stars procs. He never said anything about stat templates or anything like that.


You are out of your mind if you seriously believe that.

You are so narrow-minded it hurts.

It shouldn’t be designed around any single group of this community. I seriously don’t understand this mindset of its “them versus us.” We all want a fun game we can all enjoy regardless of how good we are at the game. So why the heck do you for some reason believe that the only way for this to be a fun system is for it to punish a single group? We all know it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s been like that for the past 15 years.


No, that wasnt what he said. What he said was, he wanted his dk to be the exact same as his friends so he could compare performance. Which is incidentally point n.1 of the op.

The issue is that the cosmetic choices have real ramifications in terms of gameplay, and a lot of people will likely have to choose between optimal and what they like cosmetics instead.

I don’t like making that choice, and even if I don’t do raids.


Listen to it again. Not at all what he said.

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The content they do at the level they play inherently alienates them. They will race and faction change their entire raid for extra power. If it will help them get a world first kill. They will level 4 alts of the same class just in case they can’t get a benefit from it. They will sit half their classes to being others to stack one buff or debuff. The rest of the playerbase doesn’t this because they aren’t at that level of play.

No matter what is in the game they will find a reason to complain.

Preach’s own words were the covenant system as is, is perfectly fine for 99% of the player base. But because of the level they play at they want systems turned off not implemented to make it easier on them.