Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

Would you enjoy Preach’s WoW?

I don’t enjoy Preach, let alone Preach’s WoW.

He has some OK thoughts and opinions, but it’s still just as slanted or biased as anyone else.



You’re just riding in the same boat with the rest of us who don’t post prognostications of wreck and ruin on the forums when we see a feature we don’t like.

I mean, honestly, I’m way more upset about the inequity in distribution of hairstyles for females (Draenei got the ones I’ve been waiting YEARS for human females to get). Listen, perfect balance won’t happen, and changes to the game will always have both positive and negative consequences.

I think people freaking out over this interview on either side of it are just blatantly refusing to admit any nuance to the opinions expressed. They exaggerate what they want to acknowledge and ignore the rest. /shrug

I’m still super hyped for SL, and unless they completely cheat me on fishing again, I’ll find ways to enjoy it.


Why won’t you play the horny blue ladies? Did they bully you?

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They’ve got horns, hooves, tentacles, and tails, my dude. Not my cup of tea.

I just want a braided hairstyle for humans. But nope. Everything goes to the godawful space goats. This indicates that Blizzard hates me, and I’m going to write a wall of text hate post when I finally decide to quit the game over it. I’ll find a streamer to blame, as well.


So it was Blizzard devs

On a draenei

Which one, I will get them :person_fencing:

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Yeah, I have been pretty disappointed with BfA. There are few other times in its (the game) history where I could say I was this bored and unsatisfied.

So I didn’t start out excited for SL at all. However, as more information comes out, and the more I listen to the interviews the more excited I have gotten.

This whole debate has been inflated to such boisterous levels. It’s already old but I guess the internet is going to internet.

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I know hairstyles are getting expanded a lot in SL. Any word on if a braid is coming to humans yet?

Please point me to his post or video or website where he said all those things in print. Otherwise, how do I know you just aren’t extrapolating wildly out of context?


Hazel did a video on all the styles for each race as is currently in beta.

Nope. No braided style for the humans. Some cute new things, but not my bag. Them’s the breaks, I guess.

I just wanna be a bonedaddy with condemn, and I will fight this fight till 9.2 when I stop caring

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I watched that interview and that’s not what he’s saying at all. He complimented the covenants, and the game in general.

No leveling, talent trees, or racials. What part of the video does he say that in? Is this thread a troll?


Damn, even the KT humans don’t have any braids. Just some buns.

I would totally be down for braids, or cornrows/full on dreads.

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Well, they HAVE given humans dreads and cornrows. And they look great. That is my consolation. I’m going to have some seriously big changes to the way my human toons look, and though I’m disappointed not to see what I particularly wanted for myself…they’ve given us a lot of new stuff to use that IS quite nice.

Also…the KT females DO have a nice fishtail braid option. It’s very well-done.

He’s one of the most well known, well respected, and oldest World of Warcraft content creators. He’s been around for a long time and knows his stuff.

He’s been getting a lot of eyes on him lately for going out and vocalizing his concerns over the development of Shadowlands, with his main fear being Covenant imbalance, a sentiment shared by a big portion of the community and even the developers over at Blizzard.

Recently he’s become the icon for everything the toxic casuals on the forums hate. He’s a high-end raider who just likes to raid. That’s really about it. They see him as the guy who wants to “take their covenant identity away” when in actuality all he wants to do is preserve it but keep it balanced by any means necessary.


Luckly for us Blizzard doesnt have to make the mistake of actually listening to him or developing the game thinking on the top end as he’d like, since Wildstar already showed us where that leads…to irrelevance.

Yes, the “high end” should be pampered and celebrated, like a middle age aristocracy. :upside_down_face:

His own words were “we just want to play the game”
Very clearly meaning he wants to log in, raid and log out. They don’t want interesting systems or game play hooks and tools. New raid, gear to get them to the next level to then mythic raid. Then log out until next week.


“I am just going to make an entire assumption about what someone said because I dislike them.” FTFY


I have nothing against Draenei, but I’m picking up what you’re putting down, Meri, and I dig

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So, he wants an I.W.I.N button? Sorry, all of mine are broken.

It’s either that or he doesn’t want to play an RPG. RPGs are about progression. Getting a little better all the time. Not about jumping straight to the end boss just because you already killed a different boss.


I actually like preach and most of his content but he’s literally complaining that the hi end players must play more and do specific things to remain competitive, currently blaming the new systems in shadowlands.
Let’s be real, if those systems weren’t there they’d find something else to insist on doing to get an edge.
It really sounds like the people in his circle just want to raid log and not play the game at all otherwise.