Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

Notice that I put “Preach’s” in quotes for two reasons.

  1. I didn’t watch the video, so I don’t know that Preach actually said anything that the OP claimed he did.
  2. Those ideas are not new.

As for how it relates to what the OP said, it has both of these characteristics:

Ah, I have a better idea of your rationale now. I can see why you made the connections, I just feel your posts were disingenuous to the game.

It did not die after 3 years, it had content updates for 8 years and was very successful. And while it did have prior Blizzard employees on the dev team, as far as I can see none of them ever were part if the WoW team. It’s important to mention that because in reality GW played like a single player game with the option to play with others.

GW is probably the most casual “MMO” I’ve ever played. I use quotes because it’s closer to a 3D RTS then anything else. GW2 on the other hand is very much an MMO, which I’m not the biggest fan of.

It’s a game I played for many years when I needed a break from the hard grind of FFXI. I just don’t want it misrepresented.

By your theory the game survived just fine with all expansions. Game is surviving fine as we speak. So your point it moot. Again though? Which gaming company does he work for?

Which gaming company do you work for then? See how that works?

Also when someone says “the game would have died if it was like how he wants” and I point out that was how the game was for 12 years. Also what do you even mean “by my theory” and “the game survives just fine”? The person you were agreeing with said the game would have died years ago, but it didn’t die when it was like how preach actually wants (not how the OP claims he wants it).


He’s emerged as the de facto chief lobbyist for the top raiders. He made his bones this cycle by coming out early against parts of the covenant system.

I was wondering at first why the op would be talking about this. Why scrutinize Preach? Why now?

Then I looked at the dates and yeah this is a necro.

Also, I don’t agree with Preach on this, but even I can tell you are misrepresenting the living daylights out of what he said.

I’m pretty sure I used the same words they did when they made the announcement. I played that game so much that they even sent me a signed Christmas card. I didn’t say the game died; I said they end-of-lifed the development on it, which is how I remember them announcing it. It was great while it lasted, but I no longer saw a point in playing a game that was never going to get a content update again. I had accomplished everything there was to do in the game with the exception of the achievement for spending an ungodly amount of time drunk (in game, of course) and the achievement for spending a bunch of tickets in their gambling game (i.e. AFKing in the gambling rings for days on end).


He’s an EU youtuber/streamer that’s been playing wow since Vanilla. Currently a Mythic raider and advocates for players to try to find their place in a guild or group of friends to excape the toxic cesspit that LFG can be. Runs a segment called Drama time where people can submit their Wow drama throughout the years to be read anonymously to the stream. They’re hilarious sometimes, others just facepalmingly absurd.

Definitely recommend him, he’s got a lot of knowledge and experience under his belt, and does extensive testing on new systems or updates to try to provide his feedback to both blizzard and the players.

i dont see preach advocating any of these points… am i missing something? i need time stamps bro.

Would I like to play a MMO that is envisioned by fat manchild with superiority complex and ego the size of the milky way?

Of course. I like to be a part of a dumpster fires. I used to be one of the few people on Earth who played at the launch of The Culling 2.

Still better than BFA.

You are putting an awful lot of words into his mouth in this post. The worst thing is that the video is linked, so that anyone who actually watches it can check to confirm the bs.

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Nah, you’re not. He’s not advocating any of these. OP is lying and trying to strawman.

idk bro maybe theres some hidden meanings in the video.
like i look at the background theres symbloic/phalic symbols. preach is in the illuminati. canformed.

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The irony is, since the game started with the never-ending grind systems, I’ve gone from a player who logged in every day to noodle around with dailies and sometimes just farm leather, to…logging in only to raid and do an afternoon of mythic+ with friends.

It’s only since I moved back into older expansions to work on Loremaster (because I don’t trust them not to break things with the level squish) that I’ve felt any real desire to play the game again.

He isn’t, but even if he did so, the amount of people in WoW community who blindly follow and translate the messages of talentless, unfunny and often toxic hacks like nixxom, preach, asmongold and others is quite… astonishing and scary.
You’d think that WoW community would have a bit more critical thinking and analysis abilities than your average CoD/Fortnite player.

He is. he provided his own evidence against himself. It’s RIGHT there lol


Yeah sure, just like I enjoy most games :man_shrugging:

A better question for me would have been could Preach’s WoW be something you spend 12 hours a day on like you do current wow :wink:

You’re welcome to download you-know-what and use the myriad of guides available online to create the WoW of your your master’s preach dream.

Every post you’ve made on this thread so far is dripping with toxicity and salt. Relax dude.

Jesus, scratch that, it’s every post you’ve made, period.

There’s more to life than that my guy.