Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

this is a hilariously bad take, well done.

Still… don’t get it. What is “preach?” I keep seeing this term once in a while.

you are putting a lot of words into his mouth.

he never said any of those things.

bad troll

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And this is what happens if you just make up some stuff. People could believe that he actually suggested anything close to that.

I would enjoy Preach’s WoW, which basically revolves around not having this much player power tied to such an arbitrary decision which we never had before in WoW. Ofc everyone dislike this strawman “Preach`s WoW” cause its simply disingenious.

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Definitely wouldn’t want this. Just defeats the purpose itself. If anything it’ll be like playing a rom hack of Super Mario 64 with different guys playing.

Gear is one of the main things people get excited for. You don’t know how excited I get when I finally get the gear that I’ve been running the same raid for weeks just to have a high enough ilvl for a new raid or higher difficulty. Think I’ll pass.

I use some other meter but I only use it to see how I’m doing. I could careless about others and to me it’s just to see if I’m playing right or wrong. Which spells works better or which don’t.

Need content outside of group instanced. Get bored easily doing the same thing over and over again to be honest.

In all honesty, I haven’t heard Preach say this. I’m pretty sure, he wouldn’t want a game like this. No one would. It wouldn’t last long enough if it was. But I mean it does sound awful of what you’ve described.

It did. What he is describing is a MOBA, basically. Heroes of the Storm died in 2018 I think?

What a wildly stupid strawman coupled with a complete and utter (purposeful) misunderstanding of any points being made.

Alright, lets see it

Hum… do you start at max level or does the max level stays the same between expansions? I think max level staying the same is a positive.

Hum… why?

You lost me here.

So he wants to turn wow into overwatch, sounds awful.

Sounds awful.

Sounds great, but not much different than what we have right now. Having it built in doesn’t really change much.

Sounds awful.

I would love this, I would absolutely love seeing the elite players who spam gear not get in front and look better only because they have more time to farm more gear.

No, I’m not talking about Wild Star. Guild Wars was made by ex-WoW devs who split off very early in the game’s development. I remember this from reading interviews with the devs back when the game was in development, but you can go ahead and confirm now through the wikipedia entry for ArenaNet (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArenaNet) :

The founders of ArenaNet were former employees of Blizzard Entertainment who played important roles in developing the Warcraft, Warcraft 2, StarCraft , Diablo, Diablo II, and the Battle.net gaming network. They left Blizzard in February 2000 to form their own company.

And by end-of-lifing the game, I meant that they suspended any further development on the game. Sure, the original servers are running, but they haven’t had a new content drop since 2007.

You need to help me understand what about GW lines up with the OPs version of “Preaches Wow.” (Which is a huge misrepresentation of his thoughts btw.)

I played the game for many years and its incredibly casual friendly that’s mostly solo content. It doesn’t even really have high skill caps, it’s just making sure you have the right skills equipped.

This is why I assumed you meant Wildstar. That game was very endgame focused and everything else except the raids sucked. It died after only a few years and servers shut down, generally considered a failed MMO.

GW recieved awards and was well received by gamers. They stopped doing updates because the dev team was small and they decided to focus on GW2, but they released 3 expansions and mini campaigns between 2005-2013.


What is “Preach?” I keep asking and nobody answers. Is it some new slang?

Just casually remove all RPG elements from WoW and go full zoomer.

I mean–no. I wouldn’t enjoy that. I wouldn’t even dignify that with criticism. I’d just leave.

Gotta love it when people misrepresent Preacher’s points completely and then attempt to do a GOTCHA.

Your strawman is neither intelligent nor is it what Preacher ever said.

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That sounds nothing like Preach’s WoW.

^ Couldn’t agree more! There is a reason streamers like Preach and Asmondwhatever don’t actually work for gaming companies.

Would I like to play the game you falsely claim preach wants? No.
Would I like to play the game preach wants? Probably


No because you can’t design an entire game around a style of play that someone that has obsessive compulsive disorder.

That is why Classic is now a thing? The type of game he was actually asking for is pre-legion which the game survived as just fine.


You’d have to post your Internet Router specs in order to get into a M+ or Raid.