Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

bruh why you on a level 10 alt?

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My question is this. Didn’t everyone that is against .io cryyyyy for something implemented into the game? Someone offers up an idea for it and now you are all upset about that.

Also, I don’t care for Preach or people like him but no where in this video did I hear him say what you have listed.

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He’d better have one hell of a hook then.


Ok dude.

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what im saying is the character you are posting on right now. isnt your main character.
Does that make more sense?
56 posts. im wondering if your hiding on this alt

I mean, given their responses, i wouldnt be surprised if it’s an alternate account, due to their main account being forum suspended. Would explain the 10 Achievement points too.

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Wow, and you say Preach is the one with the superiority complex and ego the size of the milky way?

Would you like a mirror?


oh snap detective shlump on the case.
10/10 valid point

Given the acidic content of your responses, i highly doubt you belong to this group of people.

The best part about all of this is that the only thing you do in answer to my messages is to try and witch hunt a non-existent alternative account I never had and try to stray as far as possible from the original topic that bashes on your precious internet idol so much.

And if you think I’m being salty and/or toxic, you definitely haven’t watched the streams and videos of people you defending here.

Said that once, and not even in response to you, but ok.

Oooook. that makes a lot of sense. You think preach is toxic. Preach. The guy who’s actively trying to teach people to be better at the game and avoid toxicity. Ok dude lol. I only have one response to that.

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Every time.
Every time messages like this makes me want to download a video editor and do the compilation of clips and videos where literally every single WoW internet idol is presented for what they really are - a toxic, unstable manchildren who got stuck in their own ego-spheres.
And every time it happens, I realize that the amount of work it would take to go through, sometimes, 10th of years worth of footage is absolutely doesn’t worth the outcome of someone switching from picking onto me using 10 level character to something else, like me playing a tauren or something along these lines.

I am honestly too late with that too, trying to dismantle internet idols at their “strongest” is like trying to explain to the crowd of the raging children why Jake Paul is bad… while attending to this crowds in one of his “concerts”.

I have said this quite a few times in the recent past and, I am tickled to see this thread because it gives me a chance to say it again, I don’t want to play Preach’s WoW. I don’t want to play Asmongold’s, or Bellular’s or anyones for that matter. I am not a fan of public-mouth-pieces confusing the size of their viewership with validation for the quality of their ideas. Just to make something clear, being a good entertainer does not mean they are good game developers.

Having said that, I am not throwing out a blanket endorsement for every direction the WoW dev team sets forth for us. I’ve made my suggestions in the beta and if nothing else I feel like I spoke up on the things I felt strongly about.

Well, now I believe you’ve worked in marketing, since your go-to is apparently “let me selectively edit out of context clips to create my own narrative.”

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News flash, both versions are bad. Why is it so hard to do right by the playerbase?

You’ve got a strooooong case of the victim mentality. I challenge you to find me even one case where preach is being a “toxic manchild”. Just one.

You won’t find it lol. It doesn’t exist. Preach isn’t Asmon, you can’t just tack the General “lul streamers bad” mentality on here. It doesn’t work.

And as an FYI, people are bringing up your lvl 10 character, with 10 achivement points to the account, because you very likely ARE on a seperate account, riding out a ban/suspension on a different forum account. your responses have made it very clear you have the actual toxic manchild mentality you’re railing against.

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That sounds like it could be a decent game for people who are into that sort of thing. I’m not. I have zero interest in spending all my playtime doing competitive instances.

For sure, Mr. Average Asmongold defender. I will pick the clips out of context to manipulate the narrative, and I will start with the clip where our dear toxic hillbilly sits in awe to the fact that his friend has ended his life due to toxicity, while having an entire toxic followship that he fostered in toxicity and hatred for almost a decade.

Or I just started playing the Retail. Or I’m actually played EU instead of US for a long while. Or maybe both. Or maybe none of these. Keep grasping for straws, strawman.

I don’t take challenges from youtuber fans who dreaming about turning one of my favorite games into a time-wasting sink with minimal of 8 hours time investment a day to do a competitive instances.

So, you mean…BfA? Legion? The endless grind, gotta keep up expacs that are like having a second job?

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The irony of you using a strawman argument to call me a strawman, is delicious.

Oh ok, so then you have nothing, will have nothing, and never had anything to begin with other than childish vitriol. Cool. thanks for making this easy on me.