Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

It’s a wonder we aren’t all drowning in straws right now.

I mean, to be honest that’s the only thing interesting about DPSing, otherwise you may as well have your brain turned off. Seriously, when you are top DPS you feel really important, when you are in like 3rd or worst you feel like someone just took your manhood.

Preach has stated numerous times he knows the way he plays the game isn’t for the majority.

His concerns have always been being “forced” into content he doesn’t wanna do, to be at the highest level.

Such as mandatory questlines and so on. He’s a raid logger.

No. I wouldn’t even play his version if I received actual wow gold for it.

In 2005, a group of ex-Blizzard developers already released “Preach’s” version of the game because they didn’t like the direction WoW was taking in its development. They called it Guild Wars. It was amazing, but I’m sorry to say they end-of-lifed it after only three years. They released a sequel, but it’s much more like other MMOs.

i would HATE he game , so glad it Ion desing not made 4elitist no life , want play this fun mmorpg with friend 2 laugh boss , kill , save world , , he story i bet would SUCK bc he just want toxic best player he should quit go play fort night he oviously want 2

Strawman much? None of what you said is what preach has asked for, like, at all. Holy crap, the extent some people will go to bash their preconceived notion of what the “1%” is, is ridiculous. You’ve taken preach’s words and twisted them so horribly that they only vaguely even resemble his sentiments at all.



There are some things I can agree on Preach with while there are false misconceptions I would have to disagree with him on.

In Shadowlands, gear is largely being reverted to a model most similar to Vanilla. Random loot upgrades are restricted to sockets (roughly a Warforge) and tertiary stats, and items will no longer Warforge or Titanforge in item level. Loot drops are being reduced to compensate for this and bring the excitement of gearing back to the part where you earn the item itself instead of earning the item with the correct random enhancements.

After seeing do not think they fully know. It wasn’t the quantities of Items that made receiving loot more exciting but the direction itemization has taken

What other items could you remember that has Primary Stat, Stamina and two Secondary stats; which increases per item level?

Ever since the introduction of Item Level, Item uniqueness was growing increasingly rare outside of trinkets.

I get you may not enjoy his point of view, but I agree about not wanting to worry about the best choice from the ability pool. I want to make my choice based on the story and cosmetic options. Not even a min max concern, but some abilities are just flat out better for 5 man, raid and solo content. Not to mention the added nightmare of trying to figure out how each ability benefit your other specs.

Character power was a bad choice.

Also, good job taking what he says completely out of context and stating it as a fact. You must watch a lot of news.


I wouldn’t enjoy Preach’s version of WoW.
Some neat ideas though!

So WoD was his dream xpac. Yet he made a vid mor or less saying he wanted to screw over the already content starved casuals at the time.

Bro deep breath. Edit and report. It’s not worth a vacation.

Id enjoy Preaches wow more. Not the straw man you presented, but most of his critiques line up with what I want


That sounds utterly boring and lifeless.

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Yeah honestly, I get to the content that is actually fun and don’t have to suffer through Blizzard’s poor excuse for a world.

That’s not true at all. GW is actually STILL running and never shut down, nor was it made by ex WoW devs.

Do you mean Wildstar?

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Preachs version of WoW? You mean the WoW we’ve had for a long time? Yeah, I’ll take it.


Does this guy participate in world firsts mythic raid clears? Because if it’s competition he wants thats the high end of wow. I’ll even help him get started.

Step 1. Organise a baby sitter for the kids lol.

Tbf, really anything previous was more open to choice and experimentation. The whole “meaningful choice” line is just false.


Because it’s a false representation of what preach actually would want. OP just forcefed words into preachs mouth to suit the narrative they wanted. None of what he suggested would be even remotely true.


Ohh, okay, gotcha