Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

Maximum limit. The raid leader of complexity limit has said he won’t be effected by this. They will make 4 of one class and get stuff done. And won’t see changes till after they are done. The people that this effects are not the top raiders but the ones still progressing 3 months later.

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No, and why everyone thinks this guy is some expert and his opinions are from god itself and the truth is beyond me, i can’t watch 5 min of one of his vids without wanting to slap him around

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I guess the game described in the first post would be fun for a few people. Not sure why you have to layer such crappy mechanics on what should be an MMO though. Good luck to him. I won’t be participating in his project.

Preach does some good videos sometimes but I wouldn’t play his version of WoW.


He happens to be one of the more insightful and intelligent content creators out there. You don’t like him? Fine. But he’s got a solid grasp of things.

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lol. He does know a lot. Enough to affect the meta or whatever.

But don’t be too harsh. He plays WoW as a job so his perspective is not going to be representative of most players. The only thing to worry about is if the devs are designing the game for those players at the expense of the broader player base. The player pop has shrunk enough already over the years.

I take it you’re new to WoW? At no point did he say he wanted an IWIN button (heck he hasn’t said much of anything the OP claimed). He’s specifically talking about the new ultra grindy progression of Legion and BfA. You know, Artifact weapon trees, essences, Azerite, Corruption, Benthics, Neck ability thingies, etc.

The majority of WoW’s history didn’t have any of that borrowed power “forced” grind and it was wildly successful. Believe it or not there is a wide area between ultra grindy extra hoops and your IWIN nonsense.


Umm WoW isn’t League of Legends.

I too also deny science

Preach seems like his raider ego is getting out of hand.

I thought he was alright pre Legion but lately the guy is becoming Ion 2.0 (smug attitude).

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If he knows what players want more than he should quit WoW and go help Bellular finish his game. lol

I don’t think this is even a straw man anymore. This is so much more… we need something new to classify it.

Any update on when this apparent dumpster fire is coming out?

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All of what you said was terrible, but this is particularly the worst idea I’ve seen in a year for this game.

It’s a good thing youtubers that rile people up don’t have any influence over the game, and only can influence parts of the community into buying bull that can only be taken seriously if the one spewing it was in a position like preach’s.

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FYI what he is asking for is pre-legion WoW. Everything you said about his stance is a flat out lie. The funny thing is older WoW actually had more choice and variance then we have now. It was also way more open to player choice and experimentation then Shadowlands is looking to be.


No, it’s a strawman. Just a really big one.

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You are being quite unfair to Preach. That said, he and I don’t want the same game.

He, like many players seem to think an RPG is about getting stronger, when IMO its about being a character and making choices. He, like many people are playing the system, not the game. It’s an important perspective to keep in mind but IMO should not be much of a deciding factor in how the game is made.

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Nope. I dislike a huge portion of Preachs content. I only watch him at this point to call out others when they parrot his nonsense. I usually turn him off when he goes into opinion rant mode because at that point an opinion doesn’t matter to me.

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I still don’t get it. What is “preach?” Is this some new slang term I see people using once in a while?

If he honestly believes this wouldn’t fail then I just cannot trust any thing he has to say. This has got to be one of the dumbest things I’ve heard of.