Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

Precisely, but he is using his platform to influence the developers into creating the type of game that is beneficial to him and his stream. He does not speak for the masses as some are claiming, that’s the oldest trick in the book around here.


Which happens to be precisely the point of this thread, to raise awareness lest he suceed into causing a false impression of agreement with the entire playerbase on this.

I think they were responsible for most of the drama-rama in BFA. I’m not saying that BFA was a successful expansion, just that they were quite good at whipping like-minded players into a ravenous frenzy in order to turn them against Blizzard when needed. They know it works too, why mess with a successful strategy?

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Certainly, but we can only hope that Blizzard has since wisened up to that strategy and is more dead set on where they want to take the game going forward. It does make one wonder, however, how BFA could have been without the e-sports pressure. Method falling apart could have come sooner, maybe we would have had an extra tier or a couple extra allied races.

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I have a hard time believing you even watched the video. It’s one of the best community to dev interactions we’ve ever seen in the history of the game and has literally nothing to do with “Preach’s version of WoW.”

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for the sake of not repeating myself over and over…

The differences between a top end mythic raider and a heroic or normal raider in terms of required preparation are astronomical. This has always been the case, but in Legion and BFA it was taken to extremes and is why so many top of players have either quit or are extremely frustrated.

If you’re curious I would recommend looking into what exactly a top 50 guild requires in order to be on their roster for the past 2 expansions. (A small glimpse was these guilds were going to require 4 of the same class all in close to identical gear in different covenants. So you can easily have the BiS one for the patch. This was then raised to 12 of the same class when conduits were announced to be destroyed).

and what does that amount in terms of % of the playerbase? 0.00005%? So everyone has to be impacted so that those people will benefit? Sorry but thats not how it works. Those guys are being paid to play, its their JOB, they chose that line of work, they should embrace the challenge and adapt to the game, and not the other way around.

Thats what “the best” should do…they are not the best because they whine the game into submission, they are the best because they overcome the game.

No I think people aren’t fully aware of the consequences of this system and people are screaming at it because the warnings are extremely obvious to anyone paying attention

We’ve also run into many issues with these systems before so we know what to expect

The issues are more complicated than just “so you might be worse in some aspect of the game than others”
It’s more like we are really worried about what’s the gap is going to be between the top and bottom
What happens if a meta forms and the game starts being designed around the performance of the upper or lower end
What happens when players work out they’ve made the wrong choice and get frustrated when they want to change
What happens if they just do sweeping nerfs on things that we get pigeon holed into because in that moment they’re almost mandatory

That kind of stuff is worrying because we’ve seen it happen before


It’s pretty obvious who the majority agrees with based on the :blue_heart:. You took something out of context and made a clickbait thread. Grats!

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Would you enjoy Preach’s WoW?

Sure, if i was a douchebag elitist like he is. Maybe he should just play some Full Loot PvP trash game… oh wait they are always DOA.
Nope, wouldn’t touch it at all.


You don’t even know what Preach wants. It’s pretty clear from your OP that you never even watched the video that you linked.

What are you even babbling about? There’s no way that fixing the problems with Azerite armor could have cost another raid tier or more allied races.

Oh please. All you do is throw blanket dismissals for everyone who disagrees with your clickbaity thread title and OP.

its quite the opposite, Ive taken the time to counterargument every post. copy and pasting blanket dismissal has been the motto of the opposition. Case in point: the very expression blanket dismissal was used by me a few posts above yours :slight_smile:

Also I find the agression some elitists are uding to lash out at me extremely amusing. Like I said previously: Preach let his guard down during that convo and let out what he truly expects of wow: a soulless version of itself without any resemblance of what an rpg IS, and that made it quite clear that the game he and his buddies play (if you can even call what they do as playing) is a totally different beast from what the majority plays, and there are plenty of venues for the sort of exclusively player skill competition he craves. Ones that do not require choice, leveling, commitment, do not have rng, etc. BUT: wow is not it.

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Just another streamer/ YouTuber that we are supposed to care about

Yeah and? Accusing other people of your own actions is a classic tool of people who are not interested in constructive discussion.

Your OP is full of lies and you expect people to take you seriously. Try again when you’ve actually watched Preach’s video instead of just linking it.

Sounds like he wants CoD. If you want that type of game there are plenty that exist WITH e sports already.

Why can’t we just have a fun mmo that doesn’t remotely try to cater to E sports.

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If you actually watch him then he says he doesn’t care what others do. He just doesn’t want a thousand hoops to jump through to be able to do harder content.

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I feel like the OP is the strawman of strawmen. The version of WoW I would enjoy is one where character power isn’t tied to covenants.

Edit: woah, necro.

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The funny thing I see is that people are saying wow is this wow is that. It isn’t supposed to be an e sport. Well guess what. WoW has been advertised and always said it’s not one thing. If you want to do LFR then do LFR. If you want to min max then min max. People need to get off what other people enjoy.