Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

Preach doesn’t just stream himself playing WoW, he conducts interviews and what not with Blizzard employees and in this case Ion. [quote=“Mellin-bleeding-hollow, post:343, topic:586739”]
What I want for them to do is untie the abilities from the Covenants. After doing some research on the lore there is next to no reason why we shouldn’t have access to all the abilities and choose which ones we can use.

I’m all for that. It’s the abilities and discrepancies between them in different game modes that scare me.

I would absolutely be fine with locking myself to a Covenant if it meant I wasn’t missing some super powerful ability that I couldn’t use in an area of the game that calls for it.

I would not play this version of wow


There’s been so many of these preach ion threads lately I’m starting to think someone has a personal vendetta so I just ignore all of them

Agreed. And from a lore perspective it makes sense. Sorry for the rambly post but these are my overall thoughts on this whole situation.

After reading into the story behind our arrival at the Shadowlands it seemed weird that certain abilities were restricted. When we go into Shadowlands we are considered to be super powerful. We fought through the Maw and made it to the land of the Shadowlands, and they are honored to have our assistance.

Wouldn’t it make sense that you give this champion (our characters) the ability to use your magic after they help you rebuild your faction, or whatever the storyline is of the zone quests?

Then, once we hit max level we would further to commit to one Covenant and bind our soul with them, thus unlocking the Soulbinds for that Covenant. If I was Covenant leader and some super powerful being (again, us) came into the Shadowlands I would 100% let them use my magic in order to help me fight the bad guys.

It’s honestly just a really weird thing to me, because they can just slightly adjust the narrative to the perspective similar to mine, and a lot of other people, and then they are set. All the meaningful choices of the Covenants because of the exclusive Soulbinds, transmog, mounts, side events, followers, etc., but yet it still allows people to use the abilities as they please.

I don’t know, it just makes sense to me.

Well, I would guess they’re referencing the point in the interview where Ion asks him how he would feel if every hunter(i think it was huner, he was just listing an example class) doing mythic progression were using the exact same talents/gear/everything so the only difference in performance would be mechanical execution and he said he would be in favor of that. The points made are a bit hyperbolic but I do understand why they are being made.

As for this guys typical views, I really only watch when hes got an interview I’m interested in. :woman_shrugging:

For a moment pretend they adopted your perspective; Do you think all the same people would not be demanding free swapping of all covenant soul binds? Making everyone happy all the time is tough.

You’re allowed to disagree with Preach.

But you’re literally making an argument, in several points, that has nothing to do with anything he has ever said.

When Ion said during the Preach interview that the game didn’t need another pre-fight micro config feature he was correct. Spec, talent, macros, gear are more than enough.

Which should have triggered alarm bells that the entire covenant power system was too much. But it didn’t.

They’re trying to find this room that just doesn’t exist. A spot where like your class you choose it and choosing it is permanent nevermind of the 36 specs currently in existence they’ve failed horribly at balancing them with regards to class vs encounter design.

So naturally this is more of the same.

Shadowlands would have been decent I suspect if it were just new WoW minus the rental power systems that have plagued the game since Legion. Sure, legendaries can even exist but that’s really the extent of it.

People want the game that was, not what is. New story, new aesthetics / gearsets, new encounters. Like almost every other game out there.

Take a hard look at the dilemma Path of Exile is in right now and ask yourself if what GGG really needs to do is add another feature nobody asked for like Harvest. The more they tinker with what worked the more they break an otherwise brilliant game. The exact same goes for WoW.

People will be demanding that, because you can never satisfy everyone. People will will always find something to complain about in this game, and in every game for that matter. However, I do think that unlocking the abilities and keeping the current Covenant restrictions would make sense with the theme of the game without sacrificing consequential choices.

I really don’t watch streamers but I used to watch preach a bit before BfA. I can’t stand watching him now.

Among the things he says that are stupid:

  1. X ability or mechanic “doesn’t feel rewarding” in a whiny voice.

How old is this guy? Doesn’t feel rewarding? What is he even on about?

  1. He whined about AMZ being too strong.

Unholy and Frost don’t bring much to M+ and he wants to destroy anything we could possibly bring to be valuable. Not saying he is directly responsible but AMZ went from 60% to 20%.

  1. He is a FoTM reroller imo. He will only play something if it is strong, I have absolutely no respect for people that play the game this way.

  2. He wants more homogenization and all classes or specs to be identical. I’ve heard him talk about how good class design was in WoD.

That might be the dumbest thing anyone has ever said about WoW.


OP just baited everyone into a thread that has no context to what Preach and Ion were talking about.

Just delete the top end, now no need to jump through hoops.

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No, that guy is a joke


I wish WoW was more like that. There’s really nothing wrong with it.

Nope. Hence why I don’t play overwatch.

Honestly I think the top end elite gamers just want a tournament realm with premades that give you the option to pick things on equal footing. This would be better than ruining the game for everyone else.


I trust Blizz 100% more than Preach. Blizz has been providing me with good times for decades, Preach can’t even dial in his sound levels on his channel.


Funny, a lot of people in here agree with me that my OP is exactly what his thoughts lead down to. This isnt a 10 post thread.

Same answer.

Elitists must be feeling a little exposed now that preach just couldnt help himself and let everyone see just how he would twist wow into a soulless mechanic version of itself.

Fake news. Your summary of this video is so far off I am confused what creative writing class this thread is supposed to be for.

yeah, and absolutely no one agreed with me at all. Those blanket dismissals only make you look bad…there’s even a transcript in here…

Wut. Everything outside of #3 sounds awful.