Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

The problem with wod is all the daily minutia outside of a single apexis thing (which took forever because of no flying) was moved to the garrison facebook area. MoP had significant daily zones and it’s own little mini game in the farm area.

I finished all the mop daily stuff in a month but casual players who only worked on one rep at time could literally take years. I went all out on farming rep. Actually missed out on server first all exalted by a day because I got outbid on one of the peace pipes was sad about that.

Either way I wasn’t limited in spells I could take by story choice that’s what’s stupid about this system.

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If preaches WoW has pvp stats innit I’m all his

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That is of course what he is talking about. This handful of “anti-meta” footsoldiers have been taking this out of context and freaking out

It’s a live interview where they are saying things and bouncing ideas back and forth live. There were many things Ion said that people could extrapolate all kinds of different meanings out of… but we aren’t doing that, because there’s less of an agenda on this side of the discussion

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Classic deflect and refocus there friend, but it aint fooling anyone, what is pretty clear is that what preach wants is not what the majority wants, its not what the devs want, and its not whats healthy for the game, period. Plenty of games out there you can just focus on the meters, not have to make any choices, not have to make a commitment to anything and have your instant gratification but wow isnt it and Blizzard should be commended for keeping it that way.

Good to know you get to tell me what I want! It’s not at all weird that you are taking anti locked covenant positions and turning them into “YOU JUST WANNA FOCUS ON METERS AND NOT MAKE ANY CHOICES AND HAVE INSTANT GRATIFICATION”

Whatever any of that means.

You have no idea what the majority wants. there has been a massive backlash to locked covenants just as there was destructable conduits (which the same people here were defending.)

We got conduits changed. Covenants are next.

WoW has never been entirely based upon “skill” (even though the cream rises to the top anyways most of the time). The horrible legendary system through cata was completely anti skill. Getting gear was very rng and hard to maintain off specs through MoP. Then there were the legiondaries in Legion early on and most of BfA with Azerite and corruption, though 8.1 and 8.2 weren’t that bad.

My guess is the covenant abilities will be on the lower end of the spectrum in terms of impact. Soulbinds don’t add much throughput at all. And most of the covenant abilities. This is also why I think they won’t budge. I don’t think they’ll be a huge factor in throughput.

Venthyr teleport could be an issue but I don’t think it’ll be a huge one and hopefully they replace it.

It’s has a bias against people diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and Digital Artist (A majority of most Solo Players), while appealing to those with absolutely no lives, so not at all.

Another wow where leveling is the actually game results in most people to stop playing, grow bored, and move on to something else.

Not to forget about the Toxic Addon, known as Raider IO will gaurenteed the drop of play style innovation.

I’ve heard of preach but I’ve never watched any of his content so probably not.

Lawl…Inc 404.


he doesnt want to remove it, he wants it not to be mandatory …
how do you even remember to breath?

The reason I don’t think the Venthyr teleport will be a huge issue is it is not broken in raids or pvp. If someone’s Venthyr class ability is bad for their content (hi mage in Raids) they won’t take it. This will be true for a lot of classes. Atm shamans are guessing that Kyrian is best for raiding.

So there will be a lot of people not taking Venthyr so will be lots of non-Venthyr groups.

This thread is disingenuous.


I wouldn’t enjoy any type of WoW where elitest like Preach, Asmonmold, Esfand, RC or the others made decisions.

Bajheera seems to be the only WoW streamer/player that makes the best of any situation and not rage when things are bad, he adapts and moves on.


I don’t even watch Twitch or Youtube often and I’ve heard about him hundreds and hundreds of times over the years. What bubble have you been inside all this time?

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Where in the video does he say no leveling?

Apparently one where I don’t watch people streaming WoW. I mean I heard of that asgod whatever his name is and Beduler? Eh… I don’t watch WoW streamers. I find watching other people play this game boring.

I also don’t really pay attention to threads unless the title catches my eye. But since people have been talking about this guy… I thought I would ask.

I disagree. I think that’s going to be the hill they die on until 9.2 or 9.3.

No thanks, I’m not a power player. Half the stuff Preach talks about goes way over my head.


Oh I can see it taking a tier for sure. But I think they will definitely be changed.

I’ve stated this another thread, but I don’t want them to remove the Covenant restrictions as they are.

What I want for them to do is untie the abilities from the Covenants. After doing some research on the lore there is next to no reason why we shouldn’t have access to all the abilities and choose which ones we can use.