Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

Seems like a good candidate for a StarCraft MMO to me.

And I’d probably play it - if I never had the level of character development and customization I have had at various stages of wow, I might not miss it. But I do miss it in this game.

Whatever you’ve got to tell yourself. Make the mean Preach go away and WoW will be perfect again.

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Im not discussing whether it would be a good game or not, but it aint wow. I play plenty of pvp/ fast paced/ instant gratification games (was even playing gta online while i was in here writing all this last night) but I want wow to remain wow.

Win win situation there! Years ago people said classic would never happen and here we are, so it might happen someday.

Wow will never be perfect, thats the beauty of it. Just wish Preach would find a game more suited to what he wants to play

I see you angrily posting about this, but you don’t seem to be making any points.

What level of normalization and homogenization is acceptable in this game? What level is desireable?

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a real left side of the bell curve understanding of what preach said during the discussion.

he even said he likes to do content on fun but poorly optimized specs and classes when he isnt high end raiding.

your obviously, obviously ubtuse, is it accidental or deliberate?

If this is all so obvious, what is the correct level of ability normalization for this game?

Someone was generous enough to make an entire transcript of the juicy bits a few posts above yours, I suggest a read. My OP wasn’t grasping at straws in the least.
BTW: even liking to do content on fun but poorly optimizing specs is just dismissal, as you so eloquently put, was just an attempt at refocus and trying not to sound too much like him when he realized it just wasnt flying with Ion.

Except he seems to have Ions ear, like it or not he has influence and I for one as a dirty casual do not like hardcore raiders deciding every aspect of the game for me. When they started making raid gear necessary for casuals to even hope to compete in War mode that’s when it got my attention and I don’t like it. I suppose I could join huge PVP guilds and farm pvp 100% of the time but that’s the same as raiding only worse because of the premade issues surrounding PVP

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Don’t mistake my derision for anger.

Also - I’ve already said that I think that what exists with classes and specs in and of themselves is enough.

Can you tell me at what level you think the differentiation should stop? Is there an end point?

No, ideally each spec would have a different toolkit. That makes them meaningful, and makes selecting from available tools within that kit interesting and fun.

This was nearly the case in vanilla through WOTLK, but then they first homogenized, and then normalized, and it’s bad.

Hardcore players can and would always level alts to fill gaps. Only now they don’t really need to - I suspect Blizzard wants to move back to that.

Okay, now empirically justify why you think it should stop there and not be even more differentiated.

There isn’t any. It’s a lame clickbait thread and I wish Blizz would do a better job at weeding them out.

You said:

And I said:

There shouldn’t be an end point.

If I believe he means all that then NO I wouldn’t like his style of gameplay and neither would millions of other players, perhaps it would appeal to a small group of narcissists that like to watch themselves perform in a mirror and compare themselves to others but diversity is the breath of life, same as LGBTQ or anything that hasn’t been classically mainstream …they bring a lot of value to a society

Ah, sorry I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you weren’t saying something absurd.

You’re actually saying there should literally be no end point to the level of differentiation between characters?

I am. Now, you clearly think that’s not good. Why? And what level of normalization and homogenization is correct?

He literally said covenants are cool and would love them if player power wasn’t a factor so he could play what he wants without having to have 4 characters/grind everything out if he has to switch. If power wasn’t tied to it they could be permanent for real instead of being able to switch.


That was in a reply to you.

And it sounds to me like you’re saying Vanilla had the right level of differentiation between characters of different classes and specs, not “there is no limit.”

If that’s what you want me to have said, great, I guess.

I think more differentiation is good, and I think the game can support even more than was in vanilla. And, further, vanilla was not perfect.

Your argument seems to be that the amount we have now is the right amount simply because it is what we have now. That sounds more like an appeal to tradition than anything else.

Isn’t this the youtuber who cheated and abused exp potions then whined when he had consequences?

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