Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

He doesn’t. There’s a reason why he compared himself to another DK and not a Mage or Hunter or Warlock.

He wants to be able to compare apples to apples and not apples to Warforged Megacorrupted Apples that do 20% more DPS due to pure luck.

Thanks, I assumed he was playing a DK. But he’s still reducing it to a set of classes where everyone plays a class the same way.

It would be pretty weird to give everyone the ability to heal, tank and DPS at the same time in WoW… Though I have heard people suggest it recently.

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which you could do in tbc too…without the level of rng in todays wow.

it’s not all or nothing thing

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WoW is too math based for the optimal setup to NOT be discovered. Preach understands that that’s going to be the natural outcome of the game.

Assuming everything else equal, he wants skill to be the deciding factor, not RNG. Preach’s main point wasn’t that he wants everyone to be the same, it was that your best parse should be decided by player skill, not because VoP decided to proc 3x in your opener, or you got more Twilight Dev/Infinite Stars procs than the other attempts.

ESO feels that way except Nightblades. Not a fan of homogenized cookie cutter game play.

These streamers need to go play Call of Duty.

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This elitist prick should just shove his “ideas” up his a***


If so, he didn’t do a very good job of explaining that in this video. I don’t normally watch streams, so this is all I have to go off of. But, he should expect that he’s going to get a much larger audience when he’s interviewing or having a conversation with someone like Ion. An audience that isn’t familiar with what he’s interested in. Which means you do have to cover those points that your fanbase already knows.

And especially so if you’re trying to communicate your position to someone like Ion, who will then try to use it to design requirements for WoW. If you tell him that you really like to be able to compare yourself directly to someone else, he’s going to take that as saying that you don’t want to have any differences in gameplay between the two of you. Since anything that deviates from pure skill just complicates that problem. Whether that’s different talents, RNG in the form of damage or RNG in the form of who gets what gear first, that just makes it harder to tell who’s better. And those were points that Preach focused on.

But, most people suck at explaining what they actually want in a product, so I won’t hold that against him. :grin: There are lots of people who make a living just extracting that information out of other people.

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What exactly is bad about that?

That’s literally how the game was until legion.

You could raid log there was no secondary progression you needed to do. Legit give back mop level classes with M+ and it would satisfy most hardcore players semicore players and casual players. You had raids you had good pvp you had daily options and you had challenge modes that would now be M+

Alts were decently easy to progress and you weren’t anywhere near as timegated on catchup as you are now.

Sounds like Everquest Next. Would have be interesting to play. But really wasn’t financially viable.

Gear is fine rng bs procs like IS really aren’t. I have a parse on my blood dk on Shad that is something like 70k and was at the time top 3 world. I did literally nothing different what did happen is TD literally procced continuously and did something like 70% of my damage. I basically didn’t need to be at my computer between TD and melee probably 80% of my damage was passive and that was a top 3 world pull.

That’s freaking awful I should feel psyched instead of a bemused well that happened after a pull where I have that kind of performance on a world level.

And it will never affect you in that way since you aren’t doing any type of mythic content, which was the question about.
Anyone disagreeing with Preach on that point that doesn’t do mythic type of content doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t affect them.

The point is that if both players have the same objectives to push content at the top end level, it make sense they end at a similar power level and that “skill” will determine who’s the best player.

Ah… the second person in as many days that spends more time bragging than understanding how to read profiles. No, I’m bored with BfA, I’m not going to do any mythic raids this xpac. Maybe next; if SL is good. They’re not that hard and I never feel like I need to compete against anyone else. I’m just there to kill the boss, see some story and get some loot. The mechanics are fun some days. If I’m there, I’m competing against the computer while waiting for the rest of the raid to not take a dirt nap. I absolutely do not care how well anyone else did on a boss. I don’t even care if I’m carrying people through a raid as long as we get through it.

Time spent comparing my epeen is time better spent enjoying the game itself IMO.

Yes and you can already do all of this, without covenants.
Also not was trying to brag, just point out that this doesn’t concern you in any way. You’ll be fine with or without.

It’s just funny that you have to go to such way to insult what people like to do to justify yourself.

If they aren’t that hard why do you have 3 aotcs total?

Seriously you do know that hiding your profile doesn’t hide armory right?

I’m not sure why people who it won’t effect try to talk about how covenants will be just fine for mythic players.

Also it’s not about “comparing epeen” it’s about figuring out how to push the limits of your class and honestly just fun to push numbers higher.

Because they’ve only been there for four xpacs and I haven’t been interested in getting one for BfA yet? I don’t find the raids hard, I find it hard to find groups of decent people who will stick around long enough to learn the mechanics. Early raids seem to be less interesting for me as well.

Nope, never hid my profile before. Just changed it today since it seems to be an issue with people making assumptions. Makes sense though.

I don’t think I did say that covenants will be just fine for mythic players. Though, I do mythic content when it’s fun for me. It’s not fun every xpac, either the content is boring or I don’t want to bother finding groups. However, since I never have much trouble learning and killing the bosses, I don’t see why anyone else would, especially if they spend even more time polishing their skills than I do.

Ok. That doesn’t do anything for me, but if that’s what you enjoy, then I’ll remember that.

Yukine thank you so much for the transcript, apparently linking an audio and expecting people to listen to it is not enough, lol

Kinda hard to deny what was said now that its laid bare like that, hopefully it will open a few eyes.

Don’t bother trying to logic this one. People are hating on Preach because he exposed how absolutely horrible the new system is going to be and they’re doing the standard chimp-out tactic of attacking the thing that points them to something they don’t want to see.

If you remember what happened right before BfA launch, this is identical. People are weird.

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Jumping through hoops is nearly the entire game; you don’t get to roll up a raid-ready character at the character creation screen.


Uhm, no, I am just exposing what sorta game he wants to turn WoW into, regardless of what s being planned for SL. He wants overwatch with raids, he wants exactly what my OP says, and if you look at the actual transcript a few posts above yours it’s abundantly clear.

Yes BUT it’s a different beast. Honestly a game like that sounds interesting. I Just don’t want WoW to become it.

Maybe, and yeah we know this won’t happen, they should design two versions: One with more RPG elements and one that is basically Overwatch with raids where they can stick the super hard/infinite scaling stuff for the people who want that, and make that into the e-sport instead of turning WoW into one.