Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

It’s in the player profile somewhere. I never actually done it myself so I’m unsure but someone mentioned that. So it’s not possible if someone has that part turned off.

Tomorrow job. Good night.

Found it, it’s in activity, you click where it says Normal, then scroll down to ignore. I will miss having conversations with you. Even if we don’t ever agree.

except that isn’t true…like…crit chance is rng.

random events in dungeons are rng.

procs are rng…which pre-wod wow had all of those things so.

not seeing the argument.

That’s just what’s going to end up here, all it’s going to do is rift the community more not less

And yet, with those things you can’t say you are exactly the same. RNG makes it so someone else can be .000001% better then you because of luck. Or more depending on how RNGesus views you.

that’s the point though…there was less rng pre wod and yet rng still existed. therefore people were still “different” by that logic.

so it’s not true to say that without new rng elements introduced in legion etc characters would be all the same

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Ah, you are going from a stand point of what was. Not the standpoint of what the answer means when he said Yes to a very specific question. I understand now. Under that light, your point of view is correct.

it’s not really about the specific question though. it’s about the general concept.

could we have less rng and have we had less rng and were classes and builds still different.

the answer is yes

Talk about hyperbole.

All he wants is a game where all that matters is gear and skill, pure gear, not corrupted or random affixes.

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Talk for yourself

I like the play style of doing low damage spam attacks to proc gushing wounds before I blow all my CDs on someone

I could be wrong but maybe Preach is talking about the several layers of direct damage related effects that are Rng, which he does have a point. Just looking at bfa, a player can have around 20 things going off in the background from trinkets, azerite traits, essences and corruptions. Some people dont like looking at meters and seeing that a lot of their damage was by chance.

procs existed in tbc too…like i said not seeing the argument. just wasn’t as much overall rng

And I was being very sarcastic hahaha

No, that sounds pretty boring. The fun with WoW is that you can customize your character. I know several other MMO’s that don’t have that option and your character plays just like everyone else.

Having options is fun.

Here’s a transcript of that section:

Preach is very clearly railing against anything that won’t allow him to compare himself to others. He wants to be able to compare himself to other players and see that he’s a good player. He says,

He can’t do that with RNG in the picture. He specifically complains about RNG on Blackhand in Legion and then again on N’Zoth. He can’t do that with gear in the picture either. He wants everyone to have the same gear, the same talents, the same abilities. That was what Ion asked about. He wants to be able to measure himself against others. He’s quite clear about that.

Personally, I don’t find anything satisfying in that approach, but clearly he does and certainly others do as well.

*I couldn’t completely make these parts out, perhaps someone else can fill those in.


There will always be people that like homogenization. This is mostly people in the game for competition and not general gameplay type of fun.

I watched that interview, and is typical of the guy, Preach spent more time talking about himself than WoW or asking Ion about the game. Bloke is straight up self-obsessed.

His version of WoW seems incredibly boring, and the antithesis to what an RPG is about. I think Overwatch is more his speed.


I felt like HotS was more his type of thing. He seemed to enjoy figuring out what the meta should be and then executing it flawlessly. Overwatch won’t let you customize your loadout, except in terms of which characters you’d bring, HotS lets you choose a few talents to use as well.

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I wouldn’t enjoy Preech’s version, just like I’m not enjoying Ion’s version.