Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t ‘Preach’s WoW’ essentially what wow has been since WoD and in previous expansions: getting a toon to cap and just doing the content you want on it without extra layers of busy work?

I know a lot of people might not watch his content but he pretty much says exactly that at the end of his shackle video, which I think is the video that pushed Blizzard to talk to him in particular about this issue.

So why are you here complaining about how a high end player answered a question about high end raiding?

I really struggle to understand the type of people that make threads like the OP

Where do you exist in game? I only ever run into these people on these specific forums. Never on Reddit, never on any class discords, never in game, never in any guilds I’ve been in…



Because I don’t want that game? I think his ideas of a perfect game is dull. I would rather have hot pokers in my eyes then play that game. I want to make it clear that this idea of a game is a bad direction to go and Ion is right. There would literally be more excitement in golf because at least then wind could make the game different. You can’t make this game around only the high end experience. If you make the game this way for them, it would trickle down to everyone.


This is some extremist nonsense.

The question was specifically about mythic raiding, not the game as a whole. He doesn’t want leveling to be deleted like the OP says. In fact, if you watch before he starts the interview, he has like 5 unused boosts and says he doesn’t use them because he enjoys leveling from time to time.

They have never made the game around the mythic raid scene. In fact, it’s been quite the opposite for many years.

yeah this is a good point.

it’s like saying classic or tbc didn’t have rng.

hint: they did just not as much.

@dexterworgen but then again earlier versions of wow had rng too. just not as much

The game you’re all talking about is the game for the flower picking RP champions that haven’t done any content

The only way you’re not getting a meta is by blizzard turning it into overwatch

You people are defending a system that’s designed to be changed to create more content later on into the xpac


I disagree, take path of exile for example. There is a unlimited number of meta builds and more that keep popping up threw out each league. It’s system isn’t easy to redo either you have to farm a long time to change your talents there is no free swapping. So to say that things have to be easy to change in order to create a variety of builds is blatantly false.

Also tons of RNG so there is that as well. Yet everyone is able to compete with and even create groups with eachother and remain viable. Even in content which scales infinetly. past the power of players.

Where is this “NO RNG WOW” strawman coming from?

Who asked for no RNG in WoW?

Preach doesn’t want the RNG in high end. His 5 minute tangent is griping about RNG.

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What timestamp in the video?

It’s immediatly following the answer to the question about wanting the hunters to all be the same. I linked it twice already and am worried If I do again i’ll get nailed for spam. I’ll look at the time real quick though if you are unable to scroll up.

Around 14:45

His complaint was about extreme RNG and gave infinite stars as an example presenting the feeling that you are in no control of your characters damage. That’s absolutely true. He never said he didn’t want any fluctuations.

No, he said he didn’t like the RNG, but Infinite stars made it a meme.

Lots of people don’t like RNG. That doesn’t mean they are saying they don’t want any RNG. Have you not read these forums? There are complaints about different layers of RNG every day.

The fact that you’re turning that to mean “HE WANTS OVERWATCH” is just crazy.

Yes, but this is under the context of everyone being exactly the same. Explaining why his answer is Yes he wants that. The only way for people to be exactly the same is the complete removal of RNG.

He wants equal opportunity. His example reflects that he doesn’t want to do the exact same thing as somebody else, but their infinite stars procs for 30 million and his procs for 5 million and it’s completely out of his control. People want to play a game not a simulator that plays it for you.

When you ignore all nuance of the discussions being had and take these extremist positions, you just look ridiculous. Getting my post count too high running into this sillyness, gonna start pulling a ralf and throwing some ignores out. these GD-exclusive opinions aren’t something that I’ve ever seen in game, so I imagine once I don’t see them here I don’t see them anywhere.

If you feel like ignoring people because their view is vastly different then your own. More power to you. Although with the way the forums works now days, post count isn’t exactly bad.

It’s not even the difference in opinions, it’s the radicalization of peoples points to come to these extreme conclusions that don’t properly reflect what people actually say they want. Preach says “infinite stars is a meme” and you go “HE WANTS TO REMOVE ALL THE RNG FROM THE GAME”

Where is the ignore button anyway?