Would you enjoy Preach's WoW?

Imagine advocating for less player choice in an RPG.

No I am going by the literal definition of what he said. Which is there being No difference between all the hunters in the world. Besides how they play their character. Then he Said yes, and went on a tangent about RNG. By the literal definition of what this means. He is advocating a game with zero RNG elements, and complete homogenization.

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Sounds like Guild Wars, which was fun but doesn’t even really exist anymore.

You are taking what he said out of context, and choosing to ignore the 5 minutes after that where he clarifies what he is talking about.

The 5 minute tangent which had nothing to do with the question? You are right. I ignored the irrelevant gibberish he used to try and justify his desire for homogenization. The only thing that matters is he said Yes. To a yes or no question.

Honestly I wish what they did was made covenants a philosophy of combat and then your character picks up lost souls, saves them from the maw, and brings them to your covenant. These souls would provide the gameplay abilities.

But you could only have one soul that yields the current covenant ability, one soul that yields the class ability. And cycle between those. Want new abilities? Have to save another soul.

But, I’ve not played it yet so I really can’t be knocking it

If you were an attentive listener you would know that he is clarifying his stance on variance, and using RNG as an example of how too much variance at the top end is unsatisfying to players. Which I agree with. It was much better back in the day where you knew what gear was your BiS, then you farmed your BiS, then you were on a level playing field with everyone who also had their best gear.

How this relates to covenants is, there will be a best overall mythic raiding covenant for every spec. However, from boss to boss that might change. The advantage on a specific boss will end up going to the person that doesn’t mind spending 16 hours in a day grinding to re-join a covenant, instead of it being based around player skill like it was back in WoW’s best expansions.

Well, since i got one of each class at max level i will experience all the stories, but i confess i am not choosing my covenants thematically but based on what active abilities i feel would suit my playstyle the best for most of them.
Dont care if they do 0 dmg and wont remake the choice if theres a balance patch, but like, cant see my hunter not choosing chakrams or my warrior not choosing condemn
or my dk not choosing to be a fairy over the night fae movement ability + improved death and decay
and if those choices put me 5% behind in dmg in every fight, thats why I LFR to begin with. Fun over numbers.

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I only have Fairlight - well, and my 120 Blood DK I’ve not touched since beginning 8.2. I dont really have the savvy for alts. In fact there is half a game in BFA I’ve barely played - horde side. Was horde 80% of legion and tail end of WoD.

At any rate, excited to see how this new chapter unfolds. It will still be worth playing to me.

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Purely subjective given there is no way to really measure why people left. So really we can’t say which expansion was the best and which was the worse. We could say when the peak was, but that could simply be because that was the golden era for this type of game. Many believe Legion was the best, a few believe WoD was although I’m sure more would vehemently disagree.

That’s a lot of words to spell Wrath


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I mean, the question and this topic is specifically about high end raiding. It would be incredibly hard to find someone who has raided at the high end from BC - BFA that would say Legion or BFA was the pinnacle of high end raiding. The general consensus is that MoP was the best version of high end raiding we’ve ever had.

I would genuinely be interested in seeing the research which shows the data and that conclusion. Or is this speculation based on your own perspective and immediate peers. Not saying you are wrong, but it sounds like it could be a biased speculation and not an actual proven fact.

But the only way for that to happen is templates.

You’re not likely to have all of your hunters having the exact same level of gear. if you want them all to be the same, then you need to remove gear.

That’s a funny way to say Cataclysm.


And here, I am being proven right.

Thank you.

Create a thread about the expansion people liked. Eventually you will get a list of every single one made.

How dare you have subjective taste


It doesn’t really matter as this is getting off topic. The point is, that at the high end, Legion and BFA were used as examples by Preach as frustrating expansions due to the heavy mythic tax and RNG. And he says in the interview that he much prefers the expansions where there was a deterministic path and end point for high end raiders.

Not true at all. You can go pull logs from MoP and see that towards the middle to end of the tier, nearly every hunter had the same gear on, they had the same talents, they had the same gems/enchants. There was no variance once you had your BiS set.

To be fair, the 2 people that responded do not raid at the top end. So in terms of this topic, their input doesn’t really matter.

Sounds boring.


That’s fine. I can see you don’t raid at the high end, which is what Ion’s original question was about.

Used to, not any more. Was extremely boring. If I wanted to be like everyone else I’d play a FPS game or some such like Ion said.

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