Would you be upset if the retconned Shadowlands?

Well I didn’t and they don’t deserve the respect, they’ve not earned it.


I guess it would depend what their end goal was. But, my instincts tell me that there is no realistic way to retcon SL, without damaging the game and simultaneously gaining what ever end result they’re hoping for.

Either way, I don’t see a need to retcon all of SL, maybe just certain elements or themes or the scope of the afterlife.

Doesn’t matter if it is earned or not. It’s called mannerisms.

You do you, I’ll do me. I’m not showing them what they haven’t earned.

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Funny how you accuse me of having to grow up when i normally don’t bring SL up unless someone else does first. Maybe stop overreacting man? Besides, my points stand.

And i’m not going to forget how bad the expansion was because it was the kind of bad that’s the stuff of legends. It’s one thing to make something bad or forgettable, but its something else to make something with almost no redeemable features whatsoever. Normally something thats bad or forgettable i just forget it eventually, but the truly outstanding good or overwhelmingly awful cases stand out.

Besides, none of the behind the scene issues, covid or drama excuses genuinely awful game design where people were yelling straight from alpha/beta that covenants were not going to work. What happened? Ion doubled down on them and it wasnt until people quit in masse in 9.1 that he finally did a 180 and implemented a fix in 9.1.5 allegedly (i already stopped playing back there, but a google search confirms this). All of this could’ve been avoided if he listened from the start instead of being stubborn.

So please quit that attitude because i have every right to say my opinion, im not disrespecting the other person unlike you, and its a topic about Shadowlands. Did you genuinely expect me to praise hot garbage? If you liked it, good for you. But for me and many others, it was absolute trash from start to finish, and a few years later its still the nadir of wow as far as i’m concerned.


Why are people arguing over SL? This is incredibly boring and stupid.

Just talk about the topic.


Well, then you came to the wrong thread… you just wanna be heard too?


9.1.5 changed everything yes. But guess what they already knew the features will be disliked and have to be implemented anyways and so dragonflight happened removed all of those features. And now, we’re free from those design philosophies and moving forward they will not do those features again and designing stuff that is less restrictive and less resource intensive and less time consuming.

Yes, which is why I made an appropriate post

All without needing to argue with people. The thread isn’t stupid, you people fighting over an expansion from like 4 years ago is stupid.

Indeed, good call. BFA had potential but badly implemented systems all over the place spoiled it, but there were several good things about the expansion at very least. Getting rid of systems was the best decision they took with dragonflight.

Correct. But Shadowlands issues besides design were also in its writing as much as the gameplay.

On top of that, the expansion was basically WoD 2.0 in that it had only 3 raids in total, which is a low amount, and only 2 major content patches in 9.1 and 9.2. Fated raids do not really count as new content since its the same raids but with some minor affixes from what it looked like.

You averaged 2 less major content patches in shadowlands compared to other expansions. Dragonflight kind of counts but they compensated by adding more content in the .5 patches to even it out, so it’s hard to do a comparison. For what’s worth though, i really really don’t like fated/awakened seasons since its just a time filler where you redo the same stuff over and over.

Still, DF did leagues better and i wonder how TWW is going to be.

Appropriate? Lol.

As if you don’t look 10x worse acting smug as you are…


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When you bring up Shadowlands to the forefront, the arguments are inevitable. Shadowlands is to WoW what Batman & Robin film is to batman. Bad beyond belief, and a expansion remembered to this day for all the wrong reasons.


I would be irritated, because as much as everyone hates on SL it’s no worse than anything after WC3 when it comes to absurd stupidity clashing with things that came before it.

The biggest problem with SL is that it was super ambitious story wise and the writers were just standard-fare WOW mediocrity. They should have just done some mediocre mezten crap, or hired a real gaming writer like Abnett.

Aiming high with this audience is basically lying on your back and pointing the gun at your foot. Everyone here is just desperate to hate on whatever comes next.

It was my opinion which was on topic. Your posts are you arguing with people about their opinions, on a forum dedicated to people voicing their opinions. So, yes, appropriate.

If you think I’m smug, that’s on you. I just wanted you people to stop arguing about stupid crap, and in response you decided the best way to prove that you’re mature and not arguing… was to argue with me.

Beyond the Arthas stuff and the Sylvanas stuff, which seems to be getting fixed, the expansion wasn’t nearly as terrible as people made it out to be. It had a lot of strong points.

I wouldn’t surprised at all if we get a quest and/or lore-drop in tww(or after) that retcon’s shadowlands as a titan experiment that they abandon or lost control of and it slowly morphed into what it is now.

It would explain how people can die in the shadowlands and open up some mystery about why some people can/can’t be resurrected and why everything in the “afterlife” seemed to be made of robots.

I would kiss the ground where anyone who makes this decision walks!


and we want y’all to get over yourselves, we aren’t gonna stop because a few people cry about it and wanna see it cease. It’s clear you came here to argue and no other reason, you don’t wanna see it stop… if you did, you’d have already moved on.

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Dude, each of the cosmic forces have their own pantheon of some kind.

which is something that has been retcon’ed several times now so at this point the “lore” is just whatever is needed to make the current storyline kinda sorta make sense.

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You went out of your way to respond to me, my dude. A post which was calling for people to calm down. What are you even on about? Sersiously.