Would you be upset if the retconned Shadowlands?

Yes. Like it or not, it happened.

This doesn’t seem like an appropriate response. Did you mean to reply to someone?

Or are you just that miffed that someone might want to rectify some of the issues they had with Shadowlands?

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No at least maybe it would be a better story than DF. I mean DF story was meh just no excitement at least with Shadowlands people hated but you got more reaction from it than DF imo.

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Why should we stop bashing it? Why don’t you just throw us on ignore and move on with your life if you don’t like it… it’s an expansion that bothered many and it’s our right to voice it.


Bob awakens, upset, and he wakes Emily to tell her about the very strange dream he has just had: that he was an innkeeper in a small Vermont town filled with eccentric characters. Emily tells Bob “that settles it — no more Japanese food before you go to bed.”

If it saves Arthas, Ursoc, Garrosh, and etc. I wouldn’t mind.


No I wouldn’t, but they won’t.

Guess what it’s already passed that expansion. So move on with your life. Instead of telling me to move on with mine since your type of people seems to be stuck in the past and always repeating the same stuff every single time on the forums no less.


If they just retconned Shadowlands and not also BFA yes I would be.

Take your own advice.

We aren’t gonna stop bashing it, use the ignore option and get over yourself. This is what we want to talk about, we loath that the lore is cannon.


add Sylvanas and Nathanos too. lol

I bet the chronicles will also make it canon too and hate that book as well. To think Chris metzen will change anything is laughable.

That’s nice.

Doesn’t change the fact that it’ll be written by talentless hacks.


“Talentless hacks” that is very nice of you. (Sarcasm) When they have more years of education in narrative storytelling than say you ever will ever achieve.

It wasn’t just one thing. Shadowlands was the first expansion where i flat out quit for over a entire year because 9.0+9.1 were so terrible in every level possible that i couldn’t tolerate playing it. And mind you, i PLAYED all of WoD AND BFA, so that’s saying something for real. The expansion dropped the ball on nearly every single aspect and it was one of the rare cases where i genuinely couldn’t think of anything POSITIVE to say about it, because it had next to no redeemable features.

I came back to DF after it went on sale on a heavy discount and a friend suggesting it to me saying it was the exact opposite of Shadowlands. DF was kind of a mixed bag for me, but its lightyears ahead of Shadowlands in the gameplay department for sure. I’m not purchasing TWW yet because i wanna see the reception first before i decide to buy.

Sure, shadowlands wasn’t perfect and I wasn’t expecting it to be but that doesn’t change the fact that it is flawed and it has problems. Like those annoying systems and stuff. But hey I got through. And yeah sure it had long lulls because of I don’t know Covid and behind the scenes drama at blizzard. And sure you have the right to dislike or even might hate it. But guess what that expansion has passed. So, stop sticking in the past and just move on and grow up.

Experience doesn’t equal talent and they’ve shown that they have zero talent, plus… what achievements? Lol.

Relax little white knight.


“White knight” sure. I just spat out judgemental comments about shadowlands in a more respectful manner than say your comments and everyone else’s.

Depends on the retconns.

vanished…oh yes please.

But if it must stay…

give the paladins a proper heaven. they get 2 choices. Zombie land or Soul Uber driver forever. and there ain’t any light in either of these places.

and show the tauren earth mother.

these 2 groups based on what was shown I feel bad for. Their entire life they lived for…were lies.

The only light was a naaru imprisoned after a vampire cos player army defeated the naaru army. the loss was bad enough. Then they said hahahaha, lets make the winners (bad) vampire cosplayers.