Would you be upset if the retconned Shadowlands?

I made a point with no reference to you at all. Nothing was retconned to create Shadowlands.

Do you just hit reply and not realize with such frequency that you have no clue you’re doing it?

If so, how do you manage to quote every time you do it?

I made a point. There was no retcon in creating Shadowlands. The reply was about me personally. That is a classic case of the fallacy of ad hominem.

This is categorically false, but also unrelated to this thread.

Do you know what retcon means?

It’s a portmanteau of retroactive and continuity. Retcons are not removals, they’re additions.

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Nope wrong. A retcon is when something that was established is changed.


A retcon is when something is retroactively added, changed or ignored to the continuity of a piece of literature.

i.e. the Jailer being behind much of Arthas’ tale.

Retroactive continuity, or retcon, is when some detail in a fictional story, such as a movie, TV, or book series, is added, changed, or ignored


Since I know you’ll just “no u” again, I added relevant details.

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I dunno that they need to retcon the Shadowlands as a concept or the events transpired during the expansion Shadowlands.

What they COULD retcon with little work and a net positive is:

-Zovaal masterminding so many events of Azeroth’s history
-Zovaal masterminding all this because of some bigger badder evil; Sargeras was already trying to destroy Azeroth to prevent a Titan soul from becoming fully corrupt, and trying to destroy other worlds to prevent the Void from claiming souls. Zovaal coming around and saying ‘well I want to destroy all existence and start over because of this threat you guys don’t know about’ is lazy at best, and incredibly problematic


Found Satan.


From the Merriam Webster dictionary:
retcon: “the act, practice, or result of changing an existing fictional narrative by introducing new information in a later work that recontextualizes previously established events, characters, etc.”

So the Jailer being behind much of Arthas’ tale was NOT a retcon because no “exiwting fictional narrative” was changed.


Yes. The Merriam-Webster dictionary entry that explicitly states precisely what you just quoted.

the act, practice, or result of changing an existing fictional narrative by introducing new information in a later work that recontextualizes previously established events, characters, etc.

Bolded and italicized for your convenience;

by introducing new information in a later work that recontextualizes previously established events, characters, etc.

And reiterated, just in case.

Not only was the origin of the helm explicitly changed, but the overarching motive from the perspective of the player was changed. Recontextualized, even.


Nope wrong. The original motive was not changed. They never established where the helm came from or who forged it prior to Shadowlands.

Nothing ESTABLISHED was changed.

I mean we still played through it, whatever they say now doesn’t matter


But then again, WoW lore itself has been nonsensical for a very long time, so it doesn’t really matter at this point.

The motive of the Jailer didn’t exist until Shadowlands. This is a recontextualization of the events leading to Arthas becoming Lich King.

  • It was originally stated that the Helm of Domination and Frostmourne were crafted by the [dreadlords] before Shadowlands retconned this with the origin being the [Runecarver] instead. The original premise is probably what was told to Kil’jaeden during the creation of the Lich King.

Directly from the wiki, and the source is the novelization Arthas: Rise of the Lich King and the Shadowlands expansion itself, the former being the source of its creation by Dreadlords, the latter being the source of its creation by the Runecarver.

At maximum, this is a full change of continuity, at minimum it is a recontextualization of the lore as it was known.

When do you give up?

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If they made it so SLs was all a dream, I’d be okay with that.

You seem to be taking this kind of personally. I don’t think it’s meant that way.

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I would not really care one way or the other.

Nevermind that the writer of Shadowlands was extremely and insanely disrespectful both to players and past writers by all definitions of the world, destroying past characters in a very undignified way (Arthas, Ner’zhul), runing others (Sylvanas, Nathanos), making existing characters( especially Baine and Genn) look bad,have them act like idiots, do nothing or a mixture of all 3.

I would be 100% game to see Shadowlands retconned away and pretending it never happened, because the lore is nigh-incomprehensible as it is right now because Shadowlands contradicts all that came before and even Dragonflight stuff outright ignores or sometimes contradicts shadowlands canon. In fact, there are times where Shadowlands seems to contradict ITSELF as well.

Alternatively, pull a X-men: Days of Future Past, and have a canon event that rewrites shadowlands entirely out of continuity like DOFP did with X-men Origins and Last Stand.


Not at all and I loath retcons, it’s by far and away the worse expansion… my headcannon is that it never really happened, nothing more than a fever dream.


Can your type of people quit it with this over exaggerated nonsense of hating shadowlands just because it did something you DIDN’T particularly liked. But, guess what you don’t own the story blizzard does and so by default they can do anything they want with it. And plus, shadowlands is over hated and yes it hurt the game but it didn’t kill the game like some of you make it out to be.